Chapter two.

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Finally, Monday's here, damn! the day I've been waiting for. It's 8am but I already have all my stuff packed, I'm just ready for school but hey where's my diary at! "Mom, dad hurry up I don't want to be late for admission" I shouted while perusing through my stuff because heaven knows I won't leave my diary behind for anything. "Sweetie we'll be down in a minute" mom replied. "Oh there you are!" Not to be corny and all but I always talk to my diary plus I told ya'll I'm wierd!

School was just a couple miles from home, dad put the bags in the trunk and we hopped in the car ready for the three hour drive to Greendale. I couldn't stop thinking about how much fun I was going to have away from my parents. Whoa! I've never been away from them.

Greendale! finally! Damn! All the girls are so pretty and I don't even want to talk about the guys. Already done with admission! "Mandy let's go see your room" mom said "Ok mom" I replied as I led mom and dad to my cube. Whole time wondering how my roommate looked like. Whoa so apparently we walk into my room and the first thing we see is a pretty girl giving us that rockstar vibe and smoking weed with a guy. My mom was so unimpressed! "Mandy let's go back to admin, you need to go to a different room" dad said "come on dad I'm ok with this one" I replied.

"Hey I'm Tiffany and this is my friend Sam"  the girl said. "Oh, hello I'm Amanda your new roommate and this is my mom and dad." I replied. "Nice meeting you Amanda, I think I should head out" Sam said while leaving. Well, I must admit Sam had it all! A perfect body, perfect jawline, nice teeth, great hair, great voice, whoa that height! I mean I wasn't into him or anything but you'd bet he was perfect and those are just compliments.

"Welcome to Greendale Amanda I'll help you unpack." Tiffany said. "Mandy, your dad and I should be leaving" mom said. It was just the first day and I was already feeling nostalgic. I mean my parents are not the greatest but I was going to miss them soo much. "Ok mom, I'll head you out" I said as I walked them towards the car. "We're going to miss you so much sweetie. Take care and see you soon." Mom said as she hugged me so tight. The tightest she'd ever hugged me. "Don't forget to call home every day" dad added as he tapped my back. "I'll miss you guys soo much. See you soon" I said as I headed back to my room.

Tiffany was there unpacking my things and making my bed, whoa atleast one of my fantasies came to pass; perfect roommate. I am not the type to start a conversation so I just sat there and waited for her to talk first. "So Amanda I bet you're going to have so much fun here, infact there's a party at my friend's house tomorrow and I must take you with me." Tiffany said with quite a cheeky smile on her face. Well! A party on my second day! Bring it on!

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