Ben (pt 4)

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I woke up to the morning sun,and the birds chirping. I lifted my head lazily,and yawned. I got up and covered Parker in some leaves so no preaditors could see him. I started wandering,looking for some berries,or animals I could feed on. As I trotted,I remembered Wren and Slaughterer. They just... Abandoned me and Parker! Why?

I finally came to a berry bush. A raspberry bush. I gently plucked the red,fuzzy berries from the leaves with my mouth and stuffed them in the sides of my cheeks. I had only gotten half a cheek full until I heard him. I heard Parker scream. I looked up,with worry filling my gray eyes. Birds were flying away. Immediately I jerked my head to the side,spitting the berries out and bounding twords the place the birds had flown away from. I ran faster than a cheetah. I ran till my legs were numb,and my lungs filled with fire. Even then I wouldn't stop running. I wouldn't stop till I found him. Parker needed me. He was in danger. I peered through the trees ahead,and saw a lump curled on the riverbank. Using the last spurt of my energy,I ran twords it,the soft dirt pounding against my hands and feet. I skidded to a stop,next to the lump. Breathing heavily,I noticed it wasn't a lump. It was Parker. And he wasn't moving. Oh God. I pressed two fingers against his neck,and felt no pulse. "No." I breathed,tears filling my eyes. "I'm so sorry. I could have been faster. I should have woken you up and taken you with me... I'm sorry." I said,sniffing between words.
By now I had caught my breath. I picked up Parker's lifeless body,my hand holding up his neck. He was only seven years old. I continued to cry and greive,until a voice broke it. "Hello." It said calmly. I turned around,and what I saw,shocked me from my weeping. There stood the boy from my vision. Ben. I got up and ran. He might have done this to my brother,it wasn't going to happen to me. I was going to live. For Parker. "You shouldn't have done that" Ben said before chasing after me. As I ran,I put together the pieces. I saw him. This was happening. It was a warning. It couldn't be possible could it? I could... See the future. Then I snapped back to reality. My legs started wearing down,as human arms weren't built to carry the weight. I couldn't run forever. I finally tripped,and spun around,a split second before Ben pounced. He pinned me down,knees on my thighs,and hands on my forearms. Luckily,I knew how to get out of this situation. Smirking,I wrapped my left leg around his,and bit his wrist,forcing him to let go. I flipped over,freeing myself. I grabbed his collar in my teeth,and dragged him twords the lake. "WAIT... NO!" He yelped,as I threw him in. He submerged in the water. I stared at my reflection in the murky lake,waiting for him to come up. A few minutes passed,he still didn't come up. Crap! I didn't mean to threaten his life! I honestly just tried to slow him down so I could run away. I dove down to bottom of the lake and under where I thought Ben was. I felt flailing waves from above,and knew it was him. I crouched with my feet flat against the mushy clay in the lake,and pushed off with all my might and strength. As planned,I rammed into his stomach,pushing him onto the riverbank. I swam up and landed next to Ben, gasping. Apparently I only got his upper half up. I crawled out of the lake,looking like a wet wolf. Shivering,I pulled Ben out as well. We layed on our backs next to each other. "Thanks... I guess." Ben whispered. "Oh your welcome, Benjamin Lawman,for saving your life." I replied,noting that I knew his name. He gave me a shocked look. "How do you know my name?" He asked,in a voice that matched his expression. "I don't know," I replied. "I think I might be able to see the future. My vision was about you."
Ben POV: "I think I might be able to see the future. My vision was about you." She replied. I looked at the poor thing. She was pretty skinny. And she was shivering. Her breath smelled like raw meat,and blood. She wore a stretched green sweater,as well as jeans. She kind of looked like Chara from Undertale. Her hands were also covered in splinters. Strangest of all,she walked on four legs. But she could still speak English? I kind of didn't want to kill her anymore.
Sierra POV: Ben was just staring at me. "What's your name?" He finally asked with curiosity. "Sierra." I answered. Ben stood up."Come on," He said,grabbing my wrist,yanking me up to two legs. He started walking,still with my wrist in his hand. My legs staggered and shook with each step,as if there was an earthquake. He was going to fast. I stepped on a rock,and fell over on the dirt. I could walk like a normal human,I just wasn't very good at it. "So you can't walk normally,huh?" Ben guessed, looking down at me. I nodded,guiltily. "Guess I'll have to get you there the hard way." He said with a sigh,and with that he crouched down and put his hands on my neck. Okay,I'm sorry, what? His grip tightened,and I realized he was choking me. "What are you doing?!" I barely managed to get out. "So you can still talk," Ben said calmly,with his grip tightening even more. "Just stay still,don't struggle,and you'll be fine." He assured me. My vision started blurring,and with that said,I had passed out.
A/N:I finally found a voice for Sierra! Chara (Jenny penny)

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