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their homepage was filled with wishes for wonwoo. wonwoo smiled reading the wishes he got but also frowned when he saw some hate comments as well. they're still aren't over about him and mingyu's dating issues.

"hyung, i don't want you to show that face on your birthday. come on, smile for me" mingyu stretched wonwoo's mouth, forming a smile and giving it a quick peck after. "there you go. let's go for our date"

"have fun, lovebirds ! don't come home so late" seungcheol smiled towards the happy couple. "aight, hyung !" "and when you got home, don't break your beds" seungcheol threw a wink at then and wonwoo turned red as a cherry. "hyung !"

time skip

wonwoo and mingyu arrived at a cafe called LOVE N LETTER, hand in hand. apparently, the cafe will give a free dessert if it's your birthday. and so, they went there. "hyung, this cafe will give a free dessert if it's your birthday so that's why i brought you here, and plus i have a membership card here and i set it on your name because why not ?"

"you had a lot prepared for me huh ?" mingyu smirked. "of course. it's my love's birthday" wonwoo rolled his eyes playfully. "my love, my ass" "speaking of your ass, you have a great ass, baby" mingyu whispered with his seductive voice

"mingyu, don't let me choke you till you're breathless" mingyu whistled. "sure, choke me daddy" wonwoo choked on air. "let's just go in !" wonwoo quickly hid his face that's now heating up. mingyu chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness

the bell chimed as they went in. "welcome to love n letter ! how can i help you ?" mingyu placed his order and gave his card. the cashier knew that it's wonwoo's birthday after scanning the card. "oh it's your birthday today ! choose one dessert from our menu and it's for free !"

time skip

"gyu, wait up !" wonwoo reached for mingyu, panting. "hyung, you didn't have to run a marathon" mingyu chuckled while wonwoo pouted. "why did you leave me behind ?" mingyu smiled and intertwined their hands

"hyung, it's time to practice walking faster so you can walk together with me by my side" wonwoo continued pouting. "where are we going ?" mingyu ignored wonwoo's question and kept walking. "gyu ~ tell me" mingyu shook his head

they finally arrived at their second destination for the day. "a carnival ? what are we doing here ?" mingyu pulled wonwoo with him to the ferris wheel. to ride a ferris wheel have been wonwoo's dream since he was little

"w–we're gonna ride this ?" mingyu nodded. "didn't you told me you have been wanting to ride it so bad but didn't have a chance to do so ?" tears filling wonwoo's eyes, he nodded. "come on, don't cry. it's your birthday" mingyu wiped wonwoo's tears that left his eyes using his thumb

one carrier could fit around 40 people but that one carrier is now only to jeon wonwoo and kim mingyu. they both sat comfortably, side by side. the door closed and it started moving. with only them inside and the sun almost setting down, it was a very romantic scene one could describe

"do you have anything to say or do while we're in here ?" wonwoo turned his head to mingyu. "what do you mean ?" mingyu wanted wonwoo to let everything out of his chest so he is giving him this chance to let it out. he knew wonwoo must have a lot in his mind

"you can let out everything that's been buried deep inside you. like maybe you have something to say or do but you can't because of our job" wonwoo would be lying if he said he didn't have any. he had a lot but maybe some of it are childish and it made him laugh from just even thinking about it. how could he even thought of that, wonwoo thought

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