☆Ready to face it☆

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Jungkook is just lost eying the sculpturous royal chamber where as jimin lie on the bed and jungkook doesn't know what he should do now.
"As you are my slave from now on you are suppose to follow each and everything which I order you to do, if not then I won't hesitate to kill you !"
jimin said in a strict tone which made shivers run down jungkooks spine

"yes I got that! what am I suppose to do hyung" jungkook asked in a low voice

"first and foremost I'm not Hyung of a worthless human don't call me that, I'm your master or sire don't cross your limits and always keep your head low while you are talking with any members from royal family or with any othe vampires" jimin said while holding the glass of red blood in his hands to which jungkook gulped and started sweating

"I have already announced that all the workers or slaves who were suppose to clean this chamber are now transferred to other places, your duty is to work here and clean this entire chamber all alone" jimin said to which jungkooks eyes widened and mouth remains hung open in utmost shock

"wh...at!! this entire place me ? are you joking have you seen this, how am I suppose to do this"

"I clearly warned you not to raise your pathetic voice in front of me yet you dare, I don't like to repeat myself you heard me right and don't urge me to tear your body apart into pieces, don't forget that you are alive because of your brother who is my Hyungs mate"

"Just leave me alone what have I done? please I won't say anything about vampire realm to anyone"

"what you think ? vampires can't control your mind even if you want to say anything you won't be able to utter a single word, you are here because of your blood even though I hate humans, but your blood is something different and as you are my slave you have to pleasure me" jimin said with a smirk plastered over his face while jungkook doe eyes popped out from his sockets

"pleasure you? no...no!! I'm not going to do anything like that" jungkook shouted in anger and tried to run away from the place even though he can't escape this place he wanted to be away from Jimin, but poor boy within a snap of second Jimin was infront of him pinning him on the wall, helding his chin harshly jungkook tried to remove Jimins grip moving up and down, annoying Jimin but he harshly grabbed his hairs

"bunny boy you can't even touch me, did you forget I'm not a human so that you can't beat me out, literally you are being a bitch when I'm trying not to leash you out" Jimin said while boring holes with red dark eyes filled with anger and... lust?

Jimin leaned on towards his neck licking the soft tanned gold skin, he sink his sharp canines sucking out the exotic divine sweet blood from the boy the feeling was amazing indeed jungkooks blood was the best that's why Jimin had not killed him and kept him as his slave.

Jungkook was in pain the sharp teeths tearing his sensitive skin was too much to handle the pain was unbearable, yet he didn't cried jungkook was strong but his eyes shut closed, he couldn't stop Jimin and had to bear the pain of blood being sucked out from his body after sucking for a while Jimin moved apart wiping his lips while jungkook felt he would pass out any moment

"Now get out ! start with your work I want everything perfect" Jimin orders him and jungkook goes out of the room

what the hell is happening with my life was he dumb or crazy this place it's not a chamber, fuck! it looks like a god damn big palace and I have to clean this ! the stab was already painful much enough and now my neck it stings badly, ah.. it's really paining a lot what he thought about me ? it hurts how can he just suck on me with his sharp teeth tearing my skin.

I'm hungry please someone give me food, atleast I would have taken a chocolate with me, I haven't eaten anything since morning when hyung was almost raped, now I think it's almost next morning damn this dark place I can't even identify if it's day or night. Thinking of Taehyungie I hope he is okay, please be fine hyung I can't bear to see you suffer like me.

Park fucking Jimin that vampire pleasuring him my ass ! ,I swear to God instead of vampire if he was a human I would have literally chopped his dick along with his entire body, wait jungkook come out of your imagination you cant even touch him, I hate this I can't do anything to protect myself from these vampires.
I can't even barely stand from the stab I got and here I don't even know how am I suppose to clean this place

Jungkook don't give up on yourself, I can do this I will survive no matter what and I will take my tae hyung with me is it possible to do that? nevermind I should try to find out any way to get out of this place, but where  should I even go I can't teleport aish forget it! I'm stuck here forever may be, I hate my fate!

with this thoughts jungkook started cleaning the place with his damaged and torn out body, what his fate has planned for him? jungkook was a very unique and beautiful soul, being weak or fragile was never in his list.
yes inspite of the fact that he can't do anything against Jimin he will try to survive, jungkook is not someone who will give up on their life no his mind is firm and strong thoughts of suicide never crossed his mind, no matter how life turns out cruel with him, jungkook was willing and ready to face it.

"I would rather die than live without passion"  this was his main motto of his life, so for sure he won't waste his life by being weak without even trying to fight the obstacles.
No matter if he was a famous surgeon in human realm or the mere worthless slave in vampire realm jungkook will fight for it.


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Vampires Lustful Desire: topjm [Jikook Angst] ✅ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now