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The breeze running through Jeongguks's hair calmed his nerves slightly. Right now there was nothing but the wind and the rush of adrenaline he got every time he drove. The feeling of cool air tickling his skin through his loose white oversized muscle tee was soothing him. He tried to ignore the persistent heat of Taehyung's body and for once it worked. He had no thoughts, his head was empty. All that was there was the asphalt roads and his wheels running over them. He loved it, it was always kind of meditative for him. 

Thanks to the cold sensation, it was very easy to feel the warmth he felt on near his hip, and a hot breath tickling his ear. He silently cursed the cool wind because it made the hands around his torso much more apparent. Contrasting the temperature of his face and frontal torso. He could feel the large hands gripping his waist loosely by the palms but the fingers had a strong pinch. And the very noticeable chest embracing his back, and even through the material of the thick leather jacket, he could feel the heat of Taehyung's skin. Or maybe it was just the fever flushing over his body.

Taehyung looked over Jeongguk's shoulder to the road ahead of them. He wanted to lay his head on younger man's back, it was almost an instinct. He restrained himself, he knew he couldn't. He loved seeing Jeonnguk like this, in his element, nothing could stop him from enjoying his ride. As he felt Jeongguk shiver and lean away from him, he was brought back to the reality that he was in no position to be affectionate towards the younger.

He was but a villain in Jeongguk's story.

The ride was long but not uncomfortable because their bodies remembered one another and they were nothing but comfortable with it. They were merely feeling the thrill of being in motion with each other. To Jeongguk, the sensual pleasure of travelling was something inexplicable. It was a sensation that could only be felt whilst doing the action. 

And riding with someone else felt even better. 

The rival feelings of the cool breeze from the ride and hot flush from the contact with Taehyung made Jeongguk's heart beat faster. When his shirt lifted a bit and Taehyung's slender finger brushed against his stomach, he almost lost control. He couldn't do this, he would break if it continued. He focused on the road. Just the road.

When Jeongguk couldn't take anymore and was about to ask Taehyung where they were going, Taehyung signalled to him to stop near an empty parking lot.

"Park here. We'll walk the rest.", he spoke. Jeongguk stopped the bike and let Taehyung off. He immediately felt the lack of his body and the warmth it gave. He felt empty and a little disappointed. He brushed it off and parked his bike. He couldn't help but wonder where he was.

Jeongguk parked and went outside the parking to see Taehyung speaking on the phone.

"I won't be coming home so don't bother waiting up.", was all Jeongguk heard before Taehyung ended the call. Jeongguk twirled the keys in his hand, chin up. 

"So who was that?", Jeongguk asked not wanting to sound too interested.

"Yeri.", Taehyung smiled, knowingly. He could read Jeongguk a book.

His favourite book.

He held out his handing, with a gentle radiance on his face.

"Let's go.", he spoke as Jeongguk slowly placed his hand into Taehyung's soft, slim fingers.

They walked for a while arriving at the entrance of a building he didn't recognize. Jeongguk looked up to see 'The Village Vanguard' written in bold white letters. Taehyung pulled him inside, Jeongguk still observing the new place. 

"Wait here, I'll be back.", Taehyung told Jeongguk as he sat him down at the bar a few feet away from the rostrum. 

Jeongguk waited at the bar, he watched Taehyung's back as the man walked away and disappeared into the back somewhere.

Jeongguk would be lying if he wasn't confused. Taehyung brought him to this place and immediately left him alone the second they arrived. Taehyung was a gentleman, he was polite to the very end so it was unlike him to abandon a date. But then again, he wasn't a date. He couldn't help but feel a little angry and neglected. He didn't have Taehyungs's full attention and that wounded him. He promised himself that it wouldn't but it did.

He didn't know if it would be rude of him to order or if he should just sit there and wait. 

He looked around. The bar was not too busy, but it seemed like one of the more bustling areas of the city. People were seated, drinking and talking like anyone at a bar would.

He noticed the music coming from the podium, the musicians were playing soft jazz music, almost like they were warming up for the performance. The place wasn't flooded yet. Jeongguk checked his phone and the time read '8:53'. That explained why the place wasn't packed yet.

He shifted in his seat looking down at his hands, fidgeting with the rips in his jeans. He noticed the bartender approach him, his dimpled smile was soft contrasting with his tattooed neck. 

"Can I get you something, Jeongguk?", he asked with a soft voice. His hands pouring a drink for someone else. Jeongguk was taken aback by the fact that the stranger knew his name. He immediately narrowed his eyes and tensed up to a more threatening position. He straightened his back and looked at the bartender with knitted eyebrows and dark, suspicious eyes.

"How do you know my name?", his voice rough and deep. He was in an unfamiliar area and this stranger just knew his name. He kept his eyes calm but hostile.

"Taehyung told me, don't worry. I'm Namjoon. He told me to keep you company till he gets back. So, anything you'd like?", he explained with the same warm smile. Jeongguk relieved at the explanation but didn't lower his guard.

So he got me a replacement, huh?

Jeongguk stared back at the man, with a small smile. 

"I'll have a 'sex on the beach', cut the vodka down. I have to drive.", he replied thinking of where Taehyung had gone. He didn't want to think of this as a date but you would think the man would have been back by now. 

Namjoon was quick to pass Jeongguk a glass, the cranberry smell lingering under Jeongguk's nose. He took a sip of the drink, staring into the glass. He got lost in his thoughts.

Why was he here? In an unfamiliar part of town with a man he thought he hated. What did he hope to gain out of this? 

An apology? Closure? A declaration of love?

He sighed and swirled his drink, he cringed at the thought of Jimin finding him like this. He was betraying Jimin's trust and he knew it but for some reason, it seemed inconsequential now, when he was close to Taehyung. His sense of logic somehow went dull when the man was involved and he hated it.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the bartender chuckle. He didn't notice Taehyung come back. He stared at the man, his face had a smile on it. There must've been a joke somewhere along the conversation that Jeongguk had just missed.

"What would you like, Tae?", the bartender asked. Jeongguk's mind began racing as his head automatically thinking of something. 

"Bourbon.", he answered, immediately looking away when he realised what he said. 

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk with an expression that went from shocked to gentle. 

"So, you remember?", Taehyung asked with a sweet smile.

Taehyung mind raced, he was so happy that Jeongguk remembered something about him, did he have a chance? Could he hope that Jeongguk didn't hate him?

Jeongguk on the other hand was shaken.

How could he forget?

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