What did you do to celebrate Canada day?

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Aries: You made pancakes with Canada! It was so good 👌

Taurus: You, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces hosted a party! Your job was to decorate the place.

Gemini: You and Canada took a trip to his favourite place!

Cancer: You and America bought his favourite maple syrup brand from the store.

Leo: You and Canada went to the carnival! You two had lots of fun playing those games.

Virgo: You helped France prepare dinner for Canada's special day!

Libra: You, Taurus, Sagittarius and Pisces hosted a party! Your job was to invite the others.

Scorpio: You heard there was a party going on, so you hosted as the DJ there! Everyone loved the songs.

Sagittarius: You, Taurus, Libra and Pisces hosted a party. Your job was to organise everything.

Capricorn: You and Canada made some crafts! They were adorable and functional!

Aquarius: You, Canada and Ukraine had a friend's day out! You guys had a lot of fun!

Pisces: You, Taurus, Libra and Sagittarius hosted a party! Your job was to bake the treats!

Every Zodiac: You all came to the party! You had a BLAST! You ended up tired that night, though.

Every Zodiac: You all came to the party! You had a BLAST! You ended up tired that night, though

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