1. Does this mean platonically, or romantically?
Platonically, pretty much everyone, but not Tony. He sucks.
Romantically, TheRealPietro.
2. Platonically, I would hope so.
Romantically, I think so, since some form of, "I love you," comes out of his mouth whenever he sees me.
3. Marie.
4. Taken.
5. Wanda.
6. I'm good friends with Bruce and Clint, but online, Noah_Official.
7. I can't pick one! BuckyBarnes-Official and Noah_Official are one, and Wanda and Vision are the other.
8. Wanda.
9. Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan.
10. 99%
Lock screen ^
Home screen ^
12. I wanted to. :)
13. September 4th, 2000.
14. Uhh, nope.