Chapter 1- The Next Step is back!

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Nobody's POV:

It has been one month since Dancemania and the studio is back for another season of dance. Since Nick needed more time to decide who should go to Nationals, he gave all of the dancers a one-month break. 

Everyone is still debating about who is the better team and each one can't believe that Nick is even thinking about giving that glory to the opposite team. However, a lot of things have changed over this one month whilst the dancers have been on a break- a few have decided to move on and have left either B-troupe or A-troupe.

This was for various reasons, some decided that it wasn't fun anymore, some have gone on to university, some have switched to a different studio and some of the dancers have left to look for jobs. 

However, the dancers that have not left are now stretching in Studio A, as Nick said that he has a very important and special announcement.

''Good morning guys, it's nice to see you all again. As you know, we are getting very close to Nationals and we haven't got any routines prepared yet nor even a team so I went ahead and-'' Nick started speaking yet was interrupted.

''We would have a team if you would have just done your job and chosen who goes to Nationals! I mean is it that hard of a decision to make? It should obviously be A-troupe going.'' Richelle yelled.

'' And not only that but half of A-troupe and half of B-troupe have left because you are just taking too long to prepare this studio for Nationals!'' Cleo shouted.

''Guys please calm down. I understand that this is my bad so as I was saying, I have gone ahead and hired two, very experienced dancers to become co-studio heads and help me out with this. They should be arriving soon and I am sure you will be very ecstatic when you see who they are. Most of you know that some people have left so I just want to address why they left so that we are all on the same page.'' Nick says and then explains the reasons to the dancers.

Some of the reasons were very unexpected.

Amy has left to look for professional dance careers as she didn't want to waste her time waiting to POSSIBLY go to Nationals.

Heath and Kingston have left to go and compete in the World Hip-Hop Championships.

And Lily and Kenzie have left because they said that A-troupe was no longer fun or a family, but have not said why they have left for some bizarre reason.

Most of the B-Troupers have left to go to a different studio, but a few have stayed: Cleo, Jude, Ethan, Marcus, and Grace.

''I still can't believe that all of this drama has caused so much of our friends to leave the studio.'' Summer said in a very sad tone.

''Can you just please tell us who the new co-studio heads are because I'm a very impatient person!''Exclaimed Finn as if he was about to burst from excitement.

''Okay, okay. Well, these two dancers have given up a lot of their time to come to help us out, so I really do hope that you appreciate and respect them. I'm pretty sure you will though. I have heard that you guys were really close with Jacquie and Noah-'' Nick was saying before he was interrupted again.

''Wait you mean-'' Piper started saying very loudly in pure happiness and excitement before she too was interrupted.

''Hey, guys!'' Two very familiar figures from the distance shouted happily.

To be continued.....

A/N: So how did you like my first chapter! I know it wasn't full of excitement, but I promise that the next chapters will be full of excitement and interesting drama. This is my first ever book that I have started writing, so if you are reading this right now, please leave a message of what you think so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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