Part 4

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Aʟᴇᴊᴀɴᴅʀᴏ POV

A:Ughhh why do I have to wake up early again? Oh yeah I have to pick up my cousin 🙄 I just know he is gonna be so annoying.Anyway this is the plan I will take 30 minutes to shower which will make it 12:00 then the boys and I hang out for another 30 minutes while getting food which will be 12:30 and half an hour to the airport which will be at 12:55 which means we will make it on time.

𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑝 𝑡𝑜 12:55 𝑃𝑀

I arrive at the airport and wait there for about 10 minutes and no ones coming out? What? So I decided to ask someone who worked there and employee

A:Umm hello?
E:Hey how can I help you
A:When does the flight from Los Angeles arrive?
E:Umm let me check
E:Ok so the Flight landed an hour ago.
A:Oh ok thank you

At this point I didn't know what's to do so I decided to call my mom.

A:The flight landed an hour ago and my cousin isn't at the airport.
M:I know your cousin came already.
A: Wait what? How? When?
M:You can ask your cousin that when you come back home.
A:Ok bye ma
M:Bye mijo be careful

I walk to the boys and tell them. (btw the M this time is gonna be for Mattia)

A:So my cousin is home already it turns out that his flight landed an hour ago and he's hole already.
K:What, HOW?
A: that's what I asked my mom and she said that I can ask all these questions to him myself so let's go back home.
We drive all the way back home and the boys are gonna stay to meet my cousin, is it bad that I've been criticizing him but now I actually want to meet him? Idk but it's time to find out.
I enter my house and the boys and I walk inside and I called my mom

A:wait did she say she? Or he? Idk I couldn't hear but I'm sure it's a boy because I don't think my mom wants a girl...

Tia:So where is your cousin
K:Yeah where is he
A:my mom said he went to the store and will be back in a few.
K:Ok what do you guys wanna do in the meanwhile?
M:let's play some GTA?
A:Ok let's go

𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑃𝑂𝑉

I went to the store and bought LED lights, a basket and some candy to put the candy in the basket and hide it under my bed and BOOM now I have a secret candy stash. Anyways I also went to go get some hangers and I also bought a hoodie from shadow hill online

 Anyways I also went to go get some hangers and I also bought a hoodie from shadow hill online

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^U bought this black one because why not.

Any who now that I know that my cousin is a boy I should give him a nickname my Tia showed me a picture of him. He kinda reminds me of like Curious George especially since they both don't have a tail. I'm just gonna call him Monkey. Anyway I skateboard my way home and UGHHH I forgot my keys so I have to knock on the door. And my cousin opens it
A:How can I help you?
A:Umm are you a fan?
You:wha?no now get out of my way and let me in.
A:Uhh no that invading privacy
You:it isn't if I'm gonna live here for the rest of the summer,now move.
And just like that's since I'm SKINNYYYY (SO YOU THINK IM SKINNYYYYYY) i squeezed myself in the house and went to my room to set everything up.

My skater girl 💞|𝐾𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑜Where stories live. Discover now