From the Journal of Lorraine Ellis

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***Hello, my lovely readers!

For those of you just starting this book without reading The Triumvirate Histories series, it does contain spoilers for it. If you want to, read it before this. If you don't want to, that's cool, too.  This is a stand alone series, though it basically continues the story. 

In order, the series goes: Beautiful Heist, Graceful Deception, Fateful Hindrance, and Wistful Remembrance.

You'll get a little background so you'll know more of the backstory.

Happy reading!

- Ansley***

The Forgotten Passages - Book 1

From the Journal of Lorraine Ellis

April 3, 1923

Father is insane.

Some might say it happened because of Mother's death years ago, but that had nothing to do with it. After, he was more focused and driven. Almost to a point where it turned into an obsession, but that lessened as the months went by.

She was the one who got him excited about finding new places. "My golden treasure," he used to call her. "I fell in love with her on an expedition...and our story journeyed from there."

Now, he wants to go on a search for something that others have heard of, but never seen. Just the ruins of a house, with no known history, no definite location. Only rumors, whispers...and, of course, Father has to see if they are true about this Seward House.

So our next stop - London. We set sail tomorrow, just the two of us. I would not dare let him go alone. I do not even want to fathom what he would have gotten himself otherwise.

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