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A/N: Warning: some swearing not much but I guess if you don't like that then skip it?

"Bruuuucie!" Tony sang as he walked into the lab with you closely following. 

"What? I'm trying to work." The scientist sighed. 

"I got us an assistant," Tony said grabbing your arm and pulling out from behind him.

"Ow Tony, my arm." You said ripping your arm from his grip. Bruce looked up and raised an eyebrow at you.

"Tony? We don't need an assistant." He said bluntly. Your spirits sunk a little since you had noticed Bruce was pretty cute.

"Awe come on Bruce," Tony ran over to where Bruce was sitting and leaned to whisper in his ear but you could clearly hear him."Plus she's super cute." 

"Uh, Mr.Stark what would you like me to do first?" You said trying to keep in a laugh. Tony looked up and saw you struggling so he decided to test that.

"How about you help me with some papers, Ms.Y/L/N" Now it was him trying to stifle his laugh. Bruce took notice and pulled his glasses down to the tip of his nose.

"What are you two laughing about?" He asked. You 2 couldn't hold it in any longer and you both burst out laughing. "Seriously, what's going on?" Bruce demanded causing you and Tony to slow your laughter.

"Y/N and I went to high school together, she's like my best friend apart from Rhodey," Tony explained causing you to give a very overdramatic gasp. 

"How dare you? I am so much better than that old man." You said causing even Bruce to laugh. You liked his laugh, it made him seem even dorkier if that was possible.

you hadn't realized you were staring until Tony cleared his throat.

"Uh, you guys want some privacy?" Tony joked earning a smack to the head. "Hey! I am your boss."

"Whatever," You shook your head. 

"Hey I think I'm gonna go get some lunch with the team, I'll be back some time," Tony said running out of the lab and slamming the door.

"Jeez, could he be less obvious." You said under your breath.

"What do you mean?" You hadn't realized Bruce could hear you. You blushed and turned to face him.

"Oh uh, nothing." You lied. You went and sat across from him. You held your chin your hand and looked at what he was working on.

"Whatcha working on?" You asked looking back at him who gave a small smile.

"Uh, it's nothing." He said quickly typing something on his computer.

"Okay, well even if you had told me I probably wouldn't have understood." You laughed. 

"That's okay. Hey, where did you work before Tony forced you to work here?" Bruce asked not looking up from his work.

"Oh, I was an assistant at a lab downtown. I hated it there." You sighed.

"Why's that?" He asked now looking at you.

"All the scientist's pretty much treated me like shit because I was just an assistant." You rolled your eyes. Bruce laughed lightly and turned to his computer.

"What?" you asked smiling.

"You know, Y/N, you have really pretty eyes." He said but quickly stood up, his eyes wide. "I uh I didn't mean to say that." He rubbed the back of his neck looking at the ground. "I think, I'm gonna go to the uh the kitchen." He started heading out the door but you grabbed his hand turning him around. 

He ended up standing really close you causing you to hold your breath. You looked into his deep brown eyes and collecting any courage inside you, you stood on your tiptoes and kissed Bruce. He stood there in shock but then wrapped his arms around your waist deepening the kiss. You wrapped your hands around his neck.

You separated at the sound of Tony.

"You guys might as well just do it on the table jeez." He joked.

"Oh fuck off Tony!" You yelled throwing a pencil at him. He ran out the door back into the rest of the tower leaving you and Bruce alone, again.

You looked back at Bruce who was now blushing like crazy. You laughed causing him to smile and look at the ground.

"Hey uh, Y/N? You maybe wanna go out for diner sometime?" Bruce asked like a nervous high schooler.

"I think that would be perfect." You said walking closer to him giving him another kiss.


A/N: heyyy everyone how did you like this? Please leave any comments, also DM me if you have an idea for an imagine/one-shot. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about smut but I guess if you guys want me to write some I will.

Y/N = your name

Y/L/N = your last name

E/C = eye color

H/C = Hair color

Those ^^^^ are the only ones I can think of right now

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