Music room!

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Sorry the last chapter was so long 1,000 something words long😅 I didn't look at the number of words. Ok back to the story!

At the Music room:
Mido: Omg it that an electric guitar! And a DJ set! I love using those!

Kiri: Hey Mido?

Mido: Whats up?

Kiri: Would you like to meet my other friends? Like outside of school friends?

Mido: Who are they?

Kiri: they're villains... but here me out! They are amazing!!! Like Toga is amazing and loves playing dress up! Dabi is just... wow. And Shiggy is- Shiggy.

Mido: Omg I would love to! An Dabi and you got something going on since you describe him as just.. wOw.

Kiri: *blushes* its not like that! I think? But whatever! Can you rap?

Mido: Yeah why?

Kiri: Can you cuss? Just this one time!

Mido: I cuss all the time just not in-front of anyone.

Kiri: Ok! I see you bro! Sing rap god!

Mido: Okay?

Kiri:  I'll work the DJ set and play the background music!

Mido: K!

Outside the room:
Mr.A: Let's go hide inside and record! I wanna see this!

All-Might: Okay!

*they're in the back corner recording*

Kiri: I'll do the intro part!

Deku: Okay!

(The intro part is the words in the front. Deku starts singing, at " Im starting to feel like a rap god, rap god"

After they finished:

Kiri: what happened to the innocent bean! You hit those notes and kept up on the lyrics! Your amazing!

Deku: *akwardly shuggs* thanks?

All-Might: Wow Young Midoriya! That surprised me!

Mr.A: Me too!

Deku: Ah! You were here!

Both: Yep! Can you sing one more thing!

Kiri: Into the unknown!!!!

Deku: yeah!

Kiri: Can you hit those motes Mido?

Mido: Pretty sure! Lets try!

Mr.A: I hope you know this is getting posted on Insta!

Mido: Ok! Kirishima you can record it too! And all-might! Send this to my mom! And post this because you got like everyone in the world following you!

All: Lets do it!

Everyone (except deku): Posted!!!

Mr.A: You guys got bunk beds already so lets go do karaoke,I have a machine in my room!

After Karaoke:

Deku: Wow! That was so cool! Are we gonna meet your friends soon?

Kiri: We'll meet them tomorrow! K?

Deku: Sure! Since we got a week off!

Kiri: We can have a sleepover!

Deku: We have to ask them first! And uh... Is Toga gonna be there?

Kiri: Yeah why?

Deku: Its just that she is kinda obsessed with me...

Kiri: Oh she won't hurt you! She only hurt everyone else because we all hung around you! But since she new I'm gay, she didn't care!

Deku: Ok! Lets go to bed so we can leave at like 10 tomorrow!

Kiri: Ok!

Deku: Were gonna need to borrow one of the girls foundation for our eyes...

Kiri: We can ask Mina! She has almost every shade!

Deku: Why?

Kiri: Make-overs.

Deku: Ok? Well Goodnight Kiri!

Kiri: Night Mido!

Mr.A: *hallway checking* Goodnight kids!

Kiri + Deku: GOODNIGHT DAD!!!

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