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Jeno was getting better

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Jeno was getting better.

Slowly yet surely, baby steps and soft coaxing, he was getting better.

And Jaemin was so incredibly proud of him.

"Can we go out to eat?" Jeno asked as he sat on Renjun's couch upside down, his head on the floor and his feet over the back of the couch. Jaemin hummed from where he sat on the carpet. 

"Sure. Where though?" The younger asked. Jeno thought for a moment.

"Hey Renjun, wanna come to dinner with us?" Jeno hollered as he heard the eldest come into the house just then. The boy came in dragging Yangyang behind him.

"Uh, sure if Yangyang can come." He answered simply, taking a lollipop out from his pocket and unwrapping it. "Where though?" Jeno sat upright and shrugged.

"Dunno. We're open to suggestions though." Renjun thought for a moment at the boys words before nodding.

"Let's go out and get fried chicken. Maybe we can have a beer or something too." Renjun suggested and Jeno nodded, looking at Jaemin expectantly.

"Let's go then?"

"Yea," Jaemin stood up, stretching. "Lemme get my keys."

It had been a couple of years since they had graduated high school, and only two of them had started college- those two being Renjun and Jeno. Both of them happened to get into the same school, but they still lived at their homes since the campus wasn't far from their neighborhood. Call it fate or just a happy coincidence, but over the time Renjun and Jeno had spent studying together, the eldest of the two had grown very close to Jeno, occasionally even stealing him whenever he would come over for Jaemin. He felt selfish for the way he had once loathed the boy, knowing that it was much better this way- after all, none of them were sure Jeno would even be there if it weren't for Jaemin. Besides, Renjun was more than happy being with Yangyang, and the feelings were mutual. He was glad to finally have someone who loved him back for once-

And Jaemin was over the moon about it.

One might almost think Jaemin was more excited about it than Renjun- that is if Renjun wasn't so stupidly in love with Yangyang. But, Jaemin would always just tell him how happy he was that the older was finally putting himself out there with his "hot body and irresistible attitude", which, Renjun didn't know how to feel about that statement because it made it sound like Jaemin had liked him at one point, but regardless, that didn't matter, because both of them were happy with their boyfriends and they liked things just the way they were. 


"Mom, I wanna talk to you about something..." Jeno said softly, standing in the doorway to the dining room where his mother sat at the table, drinking a cup of tea and reading something on her tablet. She looked up and smiled.

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