Part 2

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The following day was a school day. The usual habit I do every Mondays was to go there earlier than the others and secretly take pictures of the school. I would find blooming flowers, newly watered plants, tall trees with birds perched on it, and the calm, undisturbed ambiance of the school. I would take pictures of them with my camera, and then I would only stop when many students are already present in school.

After I entered the gates with my backpack, I immediately walked towards the enormous quadrangle located at the back of the school. It is used for soccer practices, so it is carpeted with grass. I thought it would be nice to take pictures of the clouds there during mornings, since the sun haven't shone fully yet. And also, it's a huge open space, perfect for sky-watching. As I aimed my camera up, and peeked on it as I adjust the zoom, I heard a voice coming from my back. I was slightly startled, since his voice sounded so calm. I even thought it was a teacher, so I quickly hid my camera before I'd get busted.

"Nice view, huh?" He spoke again and I turned around, only to find a familiar-looking student guy smiling at me. He has only one strap of his backpack slung on his shoulder and a hand slid inside a pocket. He's in his school uniform, with his black hair looking disheveled yet stylish. He was somehow familiar, but I know I haven't seen him or met him.

"Why are you here?" I asked, concealing my camera behind me. My face displayed an anxious expression, because this might be the end of my picture-taking inside the school during mornings.

"Relax." He uttered. He must have noticed my expression. "I'm not going to tell anyone about you and your camera. To be frank, I've always seen you with it during mornings, and I guess you're glued to it too much." He added. I felt a huge relief and stopped hiding my camera. I reached for my backpack and kept my camera inside before I wore it again.

"Thanks for keeping this a secret." I said and began walking away. Upon passing beside him, he held my arm and pushed me back infront of him.

"So tell me. Did you sleep well after last night's happening?" He asked, his eyes looking straight at me. I was dumbfounded. How did he know... that something happened? I freed my arms from his grip, taking few steps backward to face him properly.

"What happened?" I asked, playing innocent. Maybe he just mistook me for some other girl.

"A gang attacked you. And someone saved you." He answered unhesitatingly. I remained silent, looking for words that I should say to him. This guy knows too much for me to handle. And I think the best way I could shoo him away is to deny everything.

"You're lying." I told him, acting like nothing happened. But he chuckled.

"You really don't remember me?" He asked. I stared at him for a moment, but I could remember nothing of him. Why do it seem like he knows a lot about me?

"Maybe because my voice calmed, because I'm not mad anymore." He whispered, audible enough for me to hear. With what he said, I began wondering. Voice calmed? Not mad anymore?

I heard him sigh.

"I'm not lying. You're the one who's lying. How can nothing happen last night when I'm the one who saved you?" He told me. My eyes widened, surprised. For a moment, I felt my whole body paralyzed, and mortified. The guy who saved me... the heart-shaped birthmark... last night... I felt my mind spinning. I was confused. I looked at him, memorizing his face slowly.

"Give me your right hand." I commanded him, knowing it will confirm my thoughts. Without hesitation, he showed it to me. And right there, on his wrist, I saw the same birthmark I saw last night and few years ago. It proves that he was the same guy who has been showing up ever since.

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