My brothers best friend

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When we finally got home,i ate some popcorn and sat on the couch ready to watch Orange is the New Black.When Jack walked in the door he sat down beside me and started watching Netflix with me stealing all my popcorn.During the movie Jack's phone lit up,I glanced over to see who texted him but he grabbed it before I got a chance to see the name.I tried to pay attention to the movie but I couldn't stop thinking about why he's been acting weird all day.Eventually I just paused the movie and asked him what he was smiling about."Well you know that new Hayes kid right?"."Yeah?"Jack smiled and shook his head."He hasn't stopped talking about you all day."I blushed from the thought of Hayes liking me."I hope your face doesn't turn that red when Hayes gets here." "What?" "Yeah he is coming over to hang out,he'll be here in about 5 minutes.I quickly ran up the stairs to make sure I looked good enough.Just in time the doorbell rang and I could hear Jack opening the door. I walked down the stairs to get a "snack".When I walked down I saw Hayes sitting on the couch beside Jack laughing.Their attention directed towards me when Jack said "Come and join us!" I could already feel my cheeks begin to burn.I walked over and sat in a separate chair.This is awkward.As we sat there just basically staring at each other Jack finally started a conversation."I'll just go get some more popcorn.." Jack said as Hayes laughs when he gets up.

-sorry for the partial cliff hanger. Loves you guys ❤️

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