people shower because its a trend. its not something that needs to be done its not something that we can its not like drinking food or water its not something that we its im sorry its not something that we actually need its just something that peopl...
Yello . 😀😃 .! i bring u wht is both a glorious update nd also a horrific nightmare-inducing new development .. i hv Sort Of moved on frm th grl i liked 4 a while :-)) .! but i hv Also strted 2 catch feelings 4 sum1 new . they r tall nd hv a shaved head nd flip boys off nd prolly drink monster nd those r th rhings tht i find attractive abt thm so . Eye Dee Kay how this will go ..
& Bee Tee Double Yew ..!! i am saying they bcos their pronouns r they/them not bcos of anythin else :-)))) 🍓 ..! so 4 now . i dnt kno wht tht makes my sexuality ..? i used 2 identify as bisexual but i was nvr attracted 2 men howevr i Am attracted 2 nonbinary ppl i tjink so ..? but also th wrd bisexual jus does not rlly Feel Right 2 me ..? i think i am gnna jus call myself sapphic but .. Eye Dee Kay .! + i am not fully sure abt if i rlly am Feelim Sumthin or if they r jus Very Cool + Attractive :-(
n e ways i kno tht nobody will listen 2 this but i need 2 Ramble nd they Follow My Spam sooo .. </3 ! they r so . 📞🧨⛓🥤💣🖕 but 2 me they r . ·˚ ༘♡ ࿔*:・゚.!!! they tell boys 2 suck their dick nd they wear denim nd leather nd hv a septum piercing nd r th most Beautiful Prson i hv evr seen in my life ..!! nd th Thimg is .. no matter wht i do they r unavoidable :-((((
whn i answered roll call too quietly last week nd th teacher was on my ass abt it their friend was like Fuck Off They Clearly Hv A Cold .., + th teacher was like They ? She Isn't A Plural 😂 & nd thn they both hd an argument w / th teacher nd it was surprising bcos ..? they nvr rlly do tht srt of thing 4 ppl they r not friends w ..? nd thn following on thru th previous week they hv been talking 2 me more casually nd being friendly nd ..?? on wednesday they joined a call i was on w / our mutual friend out of Nowhere nd i . hd a heart attack . Why R They So Hrd 2 Avoid .
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