The begining of the end

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Alone; The warriors shrouded in their cloaks stained with the blood of battle; the smooth stones that built the mighty palace wall, crumbling from the fight; Camelot had won the battle but at what cost? One thing was certain. Camelot was no longer the great and bountiful powerful empire it had once been.

3 days eariler:

"Cenred's aermy marches on Camelot. We estimate that they shall be here withing the 3rd day." Said Prince Arther with remorse. The king looked at his son with sorrw as he ordered "Seal off the lower town. Try to delay them as much as possible." his voice boomed with power though the pail walls echoing with the sorrow that rode with their enimes.The single throne where the king sat looked lonely in the vast hall and was fitting for the Pendragon that sat in it.One by one, the members of the council filled out of the room leaving the king with his son and his sons faithful servent Merlin. "We will keep our kingdom strong Father. I will not fail you."Arther said whilst pacing infront of the throne. "I know you wont my son. I have faith in you." And with that Arther stalked out of the throne room to prepare for the oncoming war with Merlin in tow.

Ran in blood down the palace walls.Where stories live. Discover now