File 01: Escape from Monster Zero

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Caught in a daze of deja vu, Glenn watched as the surface grew closer. The gleaming browns and blues from the planet's orbit were starting to focus into the pale brown he knew from his original visit. This would be his third trip to Planet X and it came with sense of dread. It wasn't the fear of resistance, which was most assuredly waiting for him, or even the possibility of King Ghidorah blowing him out of the sky. It was--

“Glenn, are you okay?”

Fuji knew him better than anyone. It's likely he knew what was troubling Glenn, but the inquiry wasn't made for a confession. It was blurted to keep Glenn on task.

“Yeah, I'm good.” Glenn flipped a switch. “Just can't believe this piece junk got us here slower than the P1.”

“You heard the Doctor,” Fuji replied, “Resources are limited back at home. This will probably be the last long range ship for years.”

Glenn grimaced at the response. Fuji was right. Their profession was in danger after the war with Planet X. Major resources were being drained to repair the damage. This very well could be the last exploratory mission for years. Maybe decades. But this mission had to happen regardless of the troubles at home. The intent was to engage in peaceful dialogue between themselves and the Xians. Glenn glanced back at the massive weapons cache behind them. Or maybe the real goal was to make sure they were no longer a threat.

“This is the P2, do you read?” Fuji was already in contact with home. Glenn focused his attention back on his instruments. “We're ready to land. Over.”

Fuji's report was cleared with militant discretion, not jubilation like their initial visit. Glenn continued to follow through with the procedures as the P2 came to a bumpy landing

“I gotta say, I miss the P1...” Glenn groaned, unbuckling his restraints.

“Which one? The original or the replica?” Fuji grinned. The humor was lost on Glenn.

“I'll take the original Earth bucket over this and that stickin' X copy!”

Glenn pushed out of his seat and began arming himself with a pistol and the newly issued rifle. In addition to an energy clip the rifle was armed with a sonic pulse that replicated Tetsuo's alarm system. Glenn thought about the kid for a moment.

“You given Tetsuo your blessing yet?” Glenn grinned. This time the humor was lost on Fuji. “Ah, see? Can't take a little ribbing?”

“Of all the people she had to fall for--” Fuji's reply was cut off.

“Your sister had to fall for the guy who saved the world! Must be a drag.” Glenn laughed.

Fuji finished arming himself and lowered the lever for the elevator. He cut his eyes at Glenn without any comeback and gave him a thumbs down. Smiling, Glenn could only shake his head inside the bulky helmet.

Once the two had reached the surface of Planet X they began looking for one of the entrances. It didn't take long. Staying close to one another, both Glenn and Fuji noticed several of the ground elevators deployed and seemingly dead. They approached one only halfway out of the ground and completely inoperable.

“Do you think there's another way in?” Fuji asked.

“There's gotta' be...” Glenn replied, looking in the distance. He pointed to a large plateau with a gap in the center. “Over there, look...”

Both astronauts marched forward around some large pillars, broken and charred; they recognized the area.

“This is...” Fuji began.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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