Coney Island

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PREVIEW :Well as you all know I just moved to Newyork and this really nice hot guy and I were talking and oh how can I forget Sydney , She was quiet mean but at least Ethan was friendly and he also decided to show me around and here we finnaly are in Coney Island . 

Kayley - "OMG! Look at this place ".

Kayley - "It's even brighter in person."

Ethan - "Last one to that roller coaster is a subway rat !"

Kayley - "Hey no fair ."I said as he run ahead .

Kayley - "Well afer the roller caoster guess where we are ."

Employee - "Alright pick your prize ."

Ethan - "Kayley what will it be ."

Kayley - "The're all so cute but I think I want the kitty ."

Kayley - "It's just soo cute ."

Ethan - "Kinda like you ."

Ethan - "Here, lets take a picture with our spoils ."

*Done *

Ethan - "I like this one ."

Kayley - "Perfect ."

Ethan - "Sort of like this day . "

Ethan - "I guess we should get a move on ."

Ethan - "Come on . "

*In the taxi *

Ethan - "What do you want to do next . "

Kayley - "Let's go to Town Square."

Kayley - "It's the most Iconic place in the city ."

Ethan - "And Iconic is definately what we are looking for ."

Taxi -Driver - "Got it Time Square , here we come."

Kayley - "OMG..., Is that Zac Efron ????"

Ethan - "Yep he used to be my neighbour."

Kayley - "Seriously ?"

Ethan - "Yep."

Kayley - "Wow ,NYC is so Magical."

Ethan - "Yeah but the best parts of the city are the secret ones , in my opinion ."

Ethan - "Like that dinner over there."

*Arriving in Time Square . *

Ethan - "Look at that Naked Firefighter."

Kayley - "This has to be the wierdest and most crowded place I've ever been."

Ethan - "I think this must be the most wierdest and crowded place in the world."

Fortune teller - "You there!"

Kayley - "Me ?"

Fortune teller - "And him".

Fortune teller - "I scence a powerful connection between you two."

Ethan - "Well if the Times Square fortune teller says it ,thenyou know it must be true."

Ethan - "Hey it just occured to me ."

Ethan - "We can't leave times square without getting something from the street vendors."

Ethan - "Come on."

Ethan - "Whatever she wants and make it double!"

Vendor - "Well what'll it be ."

Kayley - "I'll take a hot dog ."


Kayley - "Thanks so.. much."

Vendor - "No problem, I love to see young people in love."

Vendor - "You two kids are a cute couple."

Vendor - "How long have you been together."

Kayley - "About a year."

Kayley - "Right swetie."

Ethan - "Really , has it been that long ."

Ethan - "Time goes by so.. quickly."

Ethan - "Everyday with her feels like the first you know."

Vendor - "That's beautiful, take care you two ."

*I was just joking.*

Ethan - "Hey you just about ready to get out of here ."

Kayley - "Sure lets head out."

Ethan - "What do you want to do next?"

Kayley - "Lets go to the statue of liberty ."

Taxi -Driver - "Lady liberty, Coming up!"

Kayley - "This city is soo amazing ."

To be continued ...

Author : "Once again I really appreciate those who are reading my book ."

And Peace Out Dudes !💋🏃🏿‍♀️

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