Chapter One

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Lia's POV
I woke up to bright lights. It took me a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light. Once they did I realized I was in a room. A hospital room, I think. I look over and see a boy, his head in his hands. I don't know this boy. Why is he here? Why am I here? Who am I? He picks head up and wipes his eyes. They're puffy and red. Has he been crying? Nothing makes any sense. He looks up and notices me.

"Lia!?" He exclaims. He jumps up and wraps his arms around me. I feel uncomfortable but it feels nice at the same time. He's warm and smells good, but I don't know what it's called.

Wait, he called me Lia.

"Is that my name?" I ask.

He freezes and looks at me. His brown eyes are are full of sadness, and tears start to form.

"You- you don't know who you are?" He says, his voice is shaky.

"No." I say.

"You don't know who I am either? Do you?"

I shake my head slowly. Am I suppose to?

He pulls back quickly and starts crying. I immediately feel terrible.

I grab his hand. His hand is a lot bigger than mine. But ours fit perfectly together.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." I hate making people sad.

"They said this might happen." He cried.

"What might happen?"

"You have amnesia, you can't remember anything, can you?"

Now that I think about it I can't. I mean I know normal things, how to read, how many states are in the US, those things. But nothing personal. I don't know where I live, my parents, or how old I am.

I shook my head again.

"It's all my fault." He continued to cry.

"I'm sure whatever happened isn't your fault." I assured him.

All of a sudden a doctor walked in, the door slamming behind him and echoing in the fairly empty room. The only things are my bed, a bunch of monitors, and the chair the boy is sitting in. These floors and walls are white, it makes me feel weird. I hate hospitals.

"She's awake! This is wonderful!" He walked over to me and took a needle out of my arm. I wince at the stinging. "How are you feeling?" He asks.

I read his name tag. Doctor Thredson. He wears round glasses and has black hair.

"I have a headache and I don't remember anything." I say honestly.

His smile drops.

"I see, well there was a small chance this would happen." He says with a sigh, the and writes something on a clipboard.

The boy taps Doctor Thredson and motions him over to the far side of the room. He talk to him in a quiet voice so I can't hear.

My head is so confused and I don't know what to think. But I have a feeling this boy was very important to me. Is he my brother or something?

The doctor walks back over.

"Well I think it would be best if someone close to you explains what happened, so I will let him explain." He points to the boy.

The boy sits back in the chair and the doctor walks out, slamming the door once again.

"Can you please just explain who you are first?" I ask, kind of frustrated from the lack of understanding.

"My name is Matthew, but you called me Matt. I'm your boyfriend. We've dated for two years actually." He says, his voice shaking.

Well, that makes sense now. He is pretty cute, I have good tastes.

"Who am I?" I ask.

"Your name is Lia, you're 17 and you live in Virginia. Your favorite color is purple, you love watermelon and one time you ate a whole one by yourself. You also love photography and even made this book for our two year anniversary." He picked up a big photo book from under his chair. I didn't notice it was there before.

The outside had hearts and a picture of me and the boy, I mean Matt. It's at a beach, he's holding me with my legs wrapped around his torso. Our foreheads are pressed together and we're both smiling madly. We look really happy, I miss it and I can't even remember it.

"I've been looking through it the whole time you were in a coma. It makes me happy. " He smiled, but it turned into a sad look. "But you don't remember it."

Suddenly I had an idea.

"What if you tell me the story of us, using the pictures. Maybe some of my memory will come back." I suggested.

His face lit up a little bit.

"Yeah!" He smiled. But then looked concerned. "But you should get some rest first. It's a pretty long story."

I had to admit even though I've been in a coma for God knows how long, I was still tired.

"You're right." I yawned.

Matt got up quickly and turned the lights off. Then returned to his seat.

"Goodnight Lia."

"Goodnight Matt."

"I love you." He whispered. I don think I was suppose to hear it though.

So I fell asleep the same way I woke up. Confused as hell. I still didn't know what happen to me, or why matt thought it was his fault. I just wanted to remember because I want to remember me and Matt.

Slowly I drifted into sleep, the beeping of my heart monitor fading.

Hi! So I feel like no one writes good stories about the Magcon guys anymore 😥 So I started to write this one! Hopefully it will be good 😁 BTW sorry it's short, I just wanted a small into, cause the rest is a long story

-xoxo, Taylor 😘

Don't Forget • Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now