Surviving High School

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DH: Happy New Year guys! This is my New Year present to you; it might help you survive school once you get back!


Avoid Lockers as Much as Possible.

Kouji groaned as he sat down beside his friend Takuya, rubbing his head. “Are you okay?” Takuya asked, raising a concerned eyebrow.

“Hit my head off the locker door when I was opening it,” Kouji replied, wincing due to his throbbing head.

“I don’t get why you actually use your locker,” Takuya muttered, shaking his head.

Before Kouji could respond, their maths teacher entered the room. “Okay everyone; take out your books,” she called as she walked towards the board.

Kouji's face paled and Takuya smirked. “You forgot it in your locker, didn’t you?”


Never Use the School Bathrooms.

Chiaki stared apprehensively at the door in front of her. “I don’t think I can do this, Izumi-chan…”

“Chiaki-chan. It. Is. A. Bathroom,” Izumi emphasised. “It will be fine!”

Chiaki hesitated again before swallowing. She pushed the door open, trying to hide a slight tremble. The rank smell that resembled something that had died a month previously immediately hit her as the door closed behind her.

She gagged and ran back out to Izumi, covering her mouth and nose with her uniform jumper.

“What happened?” Izumi asked in confusion.

Chiaki just shook her head. “Never…again…” 


No Matter What They Say, Do Not Eat Canteen Food.

“You’re seriously going to eat that… thing?” Izumi asked, staring at Takuya's plastic plate of curry.

“Even I have better standards, and I’ll eat practically anything,” Junpei snorted.

Takuya just shrugged as he sat down. “I forgot my lunch and I have enough money to buy this, therefore I eat it.”

The tension was high (not) as Takuya took a bite out of the curry. “See I’m fine,” he said after swallowing. Suddenly his face turned pale and he ran towards the bathroom.

The duo just smirked. “We warned him.”


Don’t Make it Exceedingly Obvious if you Don’t Have Homework Completed.

Takuya swallowed and rubbed his sweaty palms on his trouser legs. “But what if she checks it?”

Kouichi pinched the bridge of his nose. “She will if you keep acting so nervous!”

“Really?” Takuya yelped, turning to him, his amber eyes wide in horror.

Kouichi's hand met his forehead as the woman at the front of the room turned to glare at Takuya. “Kanbara-kun! If you think you can waste my time by talking in my class, you can tell me the answer for this question!”

Takuya blanched. Shoot.


Do Not Express Your Love for Frozen.

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