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I walked into to the small house, the unfriendly mix of alcohol and marijuana making its may to my noes.

I bit my lip, slowly watching my surroundings. Talking in the dull and depressing décor. The cliché patched sofa, looked decades old.

There was a man, probably ranging from the ages of 40 to 50.

He had a small syringe, injecting, what I suspected to be, some kind of drug. When the tube was emptied under his flesh, he closed his eyes, a dreamy look spreading across his, features. Probably the drug, effecting him.

Seeing this, I wanted to get out of this place. It looked like pure bliss now, but there's always consequences. I would know.

Curiosity made me come here, and my gut, was screaming to leave.

I turned around making my was to the door.

"Hey, sweet thing. Come over here," a slurred voice whispered in my ear.

I looked up to see, a man.

He looked tall and bulky, too muscular.

Ink was scattered all over her arm. A lopsided smile, became visible on his, unshaven face.

He gripped unto my arm, pushing me, against the walls.

"Leave me alone, please," the words barely even coming out of my mouth.

"Bitch, I'm going to fuck your little ass, against this wall. And, there's nothing you can do about it." He snarled harshly running he filthy hand up my sides.

He licked my neck. Alcohol contaminated silva, danced across my face.
His hands ran up and down my sides, slipping his, coarse and cold hands, under my hoodie.
Furiously caressing my lower abdomen.

"You like that, don't you?"

A tear, fell from my eyes.

He suddenly let go of my arm.

Falling to the ground the last thing, I heard was the vicious sounds of crushing flesh.

Consciousness slipping away from me.


This story is mine.
Its also, fictional, okay?
Its not intended to be offensive, to anyone.
Also, Sexual & Explitic Content. Mature Readers.
©Copyright. 2014.
Tends to change a lot.
Leave, your comments and suggesions.
Thank you.
Vote.Comment to all the shit.

P.s, When my stories get a number of votes, and positive comments, it gives me inspiration and the urge to update.

Vote. Comment. Doalltheshit.


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