Part 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up the next morning noticing Randy wasn't there, I sat up and noticed that there was a note left on the pillow he had been sleeping on

'Have gone to get breakfast, hopefully back before you wake love your viper '

I smiled and sat up and ran my hands through my hair, just then the hotel door opened and in walked Randy carrying cups of coffee and bags of yummy treats I can only assume

"Hey baby your awake" he said sitting on the bed handing me a cup of coffee

"Thanks babe" I said taking a sip.

He sat on the bed behind me, then opened the bags to revel, pain au chocolate, pain au raisin and croissants "mmmm yummy treats" I smiled

"Help yourself " he said grabbing a croissant and breaking a bit off feeding me. I ate it and smiled and grabbed my favourite treat pain au raisin and tearing it apart and taking a bite.

This was amazing I could get use to this every morning, after we finished and drank our coffee "so what's the plan for today?" I asked Randy twiddling our fingers together "what ever you want to do, but I must go to the gym and burn off that breakfast "he said "way to many calories" he added which made me laugh "ok well I'm going to grab a shower, then we can go to the gym?" I said getting up but he pulled me back and kissed my lips "you don't get out of the vipers grip that easy missy" he said

He let me go as I made my way to the bathroom and turned the water on and when it was hot enough I stripped down and got under the hot water. I washed my hair and body, then when I was done I wrapped a towel around my body put my underwear on. I went out into the bedroom and went over to my suitcase to get my gym kit. As I was putting my kit on I received a wolf whistle from Randy which made me smile. I put my hair up into a messy bun and then turned to Randy "ready to go?" I asked

"Yep" he said throwing on jeans and a tshirt

We headed out of the hotel room and headed to the gym which was only across the road Randy went off to change while I entered the gym and headed straight for the treadmill. The gym was filled with about 10 to 15 superstars. I saw Randy enter and hit the treadmill as well. He was on the treadmill next to me and handed me my MP3 player which I put in, as I needed music to help me work at. I could see Randy do the same with his music and he kept looking over at me as I finished the treadmill and headed over to the cross trainer. I was on,y on it for about 2 minutes when I was joined by AJ "hey AJ" I said taking my ear phones out

"Hey girl, how's it going?" She asked

"Good" I replied but I noticed as I looked at her, her gaze was else where I looked at where she was looking. I noticed that John had just entered the gym. I turned back to AJ who had a big grin on her face " AJ do you like my brother?" I asked her

"What no way" she said

"Come on I saw you looking at him when he walked in, you can tell me we are best friends" I said

"Ok ok ok" she said " yeah I do like him"

"Then what are you doing here go and ask him out" I said

"Ok" she said skipping over to John

I got off the cross trainer and went to find randy, I went into the practice ring and saw that Randy was in the ring with Sheamus and Triple H was ringside coaching them. I lent against the wall. Randy noticed me me and smiled as he was tackled by Sheamus. Triple H looked at me with a glare.

"Ok boys let's call it quits"Triple H said

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