Killing time

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Y/n:is sitting on the roof watching the sun rise as he flips a bullet through his fingers

Toga:is fast asleep in bed as she turns to the left and wakes up after not feeling you next to her

Y/n:climbs down the roof and walks inside towards the kitchen

Toga:is in the bathroom getting ready for the day

Y/n:is cooking pancakes and eggs with bacon as sets plates on the table as the scent of the food travels throughout the house

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Y/n:is cooking pancakes and eggs with bacon as sets plates on the table as the scent of the food travels throughout the house

Toga:walks downstairs and sits at the table with you as she takes a bite of a pancake and smiles

Y/n:eats one of the eggs so shall we kill some people today

Toga:yes daddy hm can we go to the park as well please please

Y/n:finished eating his breakfast and puts the plate in the dishes and washes them before heading upstairs

Y/n:puts on his hoodie and jeans and boots with a knife in it as he grabs his revolvers and puts them in his hoodie and walks back downstairs towards the door

Toga:walks up to you and flips her knives and kisses you on the cheek as she hands you her leash

Y/n:walks toga as she walks on all fours

Toga:were should we go for first master

Y/n:lets go to a garden pasture

Time skip to them walking through the pasture

Y/n:let's toga go as she starts stabbing the women and children letting there blood cost the floors and grass as you then shoot the guards in the head but let one run as you shoot the guard in the spine immobilising him as you walk over to him with your knife and lifts him on his knees while u pin him and put the knife in his mouth ripping through his face with one swing

A/n:imagine the knife scene from the movie upgrade that's what u did

Time skip to the park

Y/n:pushing toga on the swings as the sunsets

Toga:giggles today was fun master

Y/n:yes it was just like every other day hehe

A/n:that's it for now you'll get a lemon next chapter bye bye

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