Shaving Hacks ✌🏽😀

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Exfoiliate with a good sugar scrub.

▪Use a men's razor or a blade with four or more blades to shave. The more blades the better.

♡ Shave your 😸 under water. Always.

▪Conditioner makes a good shaving cream if you don't have one.

♡ Use a shaving gel and cream to shave.

Aloe Vera can get rid of razor bumps.

Always use a fresh razor.

Always let your skin soften before you shave. Never shave on dry skin.

♡ Shave at the ends of your shower. (I used to do it before and 😂 Its a disaster man.)

Don't shave with just water.

♡ Aloe Vera is a great moisturizer for your skin.


Why should you exfoliate? "Exfoliating removes dirt and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, which keeps your skin clean, unclogs your pores and helps you achieve a closer shave."

Are more blades really better? "As more blades are added, they are essentially repeating the actions or the primary and secondary blade. By continuously running blades (such as a one or two blade) across the skin, there is a possibility for razor burn, skin irritation, nicks, or, ingrown hairs."

Conditioner as a shaving cream? "Conditioners are cationic which can coat the skin and make a smoother shave and leave legs left soft."

Shaving cream or gel is just about the same. Reduces irritation and helps shaving better.

Aloe Vera: This special plant has antibacterial, soothing, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory effects. It can stop itchy skin, redness, and inflammation.

Old razors equal microscopic tears in your skin introducing bacteria into your skin and infection risks increased.

Shaving skin while wet: "Wet shaving gives you the closest shave possible - the hair soaked in water and gel becomes softer and easier to cut. If you start with dry skin and hair, shaving with be uneven, the hair will break down and you will most probably end with skin bruises."

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