1-0.5 The place where I was born

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"The teacher is coming!" said the first security guard of the third block.

A middle-aged man came into the huge white room ... All the teachers have one peculiarity - a white coat. They all wear a white coat.

"Today is 2,928 days of your stay in the White Room. To be honest, I'm a little surprised. I never thought that so much garbage would remain after 8 years."

As I was told, at the very beginning there were 1000 children. Now it's only 167.

"But I'm truly happy about only one child.."

Teacher slowly approached me and began to look straight into my eyes.

"Number 4213 .. You have the best results. Can you at least get to the end?"  the teacher asked me with interest.

Everyone stood silently, looking straight into the wall. I was no exception.

"What are you feeling now? Joy, pride in your successes or superiority over others? "

"Enough, it's time for work, teacher of 3rd block." said the man looking through the window.

There are 10 blocks in total, responsible for each aspect of education. In block 3,physical training.

"Yes, sir. Alright, all of you...25 push ups. One minute is given to complete the task. Started!"

Everyone  began to do push ups, despite the lack of space.

Nobody paid attention to each other, everyone was trying to perform the task.

"The first finished again number 4213 .. Hey, 4245! Do push-ups to the end! You're trash! "

Everyone had their number written on the clothes, as well as on the hand. Something like a tattoo for life.

"Finished! 30 seconds of stretching before running for 10 minutes ... So ... Start!"

Ten minutes of running without stopping is a daily morning task.

"4237! You are behind! Do you really want to get hit by a baton right in the face?"

"No, sir!" the child spoke panting.

I run without paying attention to anything. Just hearing the voice of the teacher screaming at them.


After teacher's words, some of them sat down on the floor.

"For the morning workout that's enough. All go to your rooms, except for number 4213. The director is waiting for you in his office. "


"Come in."

"You wanted to see me?"

"No formalities needed when we are alone, son. I heard that you still occupy leading positions in all blocks .. But you have one drawback that covers half of your achievements. You are unemotional. You're never take the initiative, always obey orders. "

"Is that a flaw?"

"Let's get a little deeper in that topic. What do you think about the children who are with you in White Room?"

"They are children who do not understand what they are doing here. They're screaming, begging to save them. "

"But what about you? Don't you become like these children? Your main problem is that you want to help them, but you understand that your life is more important, right?"

"Wasn't I like that from the very beginning when I joined White Room?"

Sighing heavily, he came up to me.

"Kiyotaka, in the White Room we are creating the future of Japan, not robots. You have to rethink your beliefs. You are ALREADY my best creation. But you lost yourself. You slowly becoming trash that you hate so much. You should think about what you want, what you want to change, and who you are."

"I understood."


A/N: The first chapter is done! If you have some questions you can ask me and I will try to answer as fast as I can. Additional chapters (.5) will always be devoted to Kiyotaka's past. And there will be major changes in the main story, so don't be surprised.



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