Chapter 5

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It had been about a week since Amanda had made her request to Liv. Neither of them knowing where this thing they were doing was going. Amanda voiced that she didnt want anymore 'fuck nights' which those happened on the nights they hung with the boys at the bar. It had been coming natural to them.

Work had been a hellish week, which they were used to. Out of nowhere Olivia had started to avoid Amanda, only speaking to her when needed. This was hurting Amanda deeply. She didnt get it. Olivia seemed open to her feelings and hadnt chastised her for them. She could not understand why Olivia was acting like this. Like why stay that night and talk and then all the sudden distance herself? She couldnt figure it out and it hurt cause she had began to open up and trust her.

She went to go to tell Liv she was heading out for the day. Since it was a long weekend coming up she was debating on taking the long weekend and going on a trip she wasnt sure yet. She knocked on the lieutenants door. Liv answered the knock by saying "Come in." Amanda opened the door slowly, "Hey lieutenant, I wont keep you. I just wanted to let you know that I'm done for the evening and heading out. Since it's the long weekend and I have a few days I think I'm gonna get away for a lil bit and clear my head." Liv took her glasses off. Annoyed that Amanda had called her 'lieutenant' after all they had shared. Her tone showing she wasnt happy "Okay so what is up with calling me 'lieutenant'? Whats wrong with just calling me 'Olivia' or even 'Liv'?" Amanda scowled, she didnt like being put on the spot, especially when this wasnt her fault. Liv had been avoiding her. She snarkily replied "Well you are my lieutenant so I addressed you as that. After all why personally address you when all you have done this whole fucking week is avoid me." Olivia just looked at her. She had been avoiding her but she didnt feel she deserved this attitude from Amanda. Her voice stern "Rollins watch how you speak to me. I am your boss and I can reprimand you." Amanda felt her anger bubble to the top. Her blue eyes felt like fire. "Reprimand me huh? Cant be any worse than the 'reprimands' I had in Atlanta. Cant be worse than being raped on the job Liv. So anyways. I'm done in here. I'm off for the weekend." Liv didnt even respond, she sent Rollins an icy glare. "Ill see you after the weekend. Make sure you have a better attitude." Amanda left, slamming the door as she did. Thinking to herself 'why the fuck do I even bother? and why the fuck do I have feelings for her? She obviously thinks it's a fucking joke.'

Amanda had went home, packed a weekend bag. She had to get out of NY even it was just for the long weekend. She needed to be away from Liv and the fucking callous attitude she was giving her. She decided to go to New Smyrna Beach in Florida. That was far enough away from Olivia as well as the casino since she had that urge to go piss away her check and try her luck at the cards.

Liv was finally at home from the work day. Sitting down with her glass of wine. The last conversation of the night replayed in her head. That conversation happened to be the one with Amanda. What the hell had happened? She didnt really recall avoiding Amanda this week. They just didnt work together much on this case. But at the same time she didnt go out of her way to talk to Amanda either. Maybe she was avoiding her. Who the hell knows. Amanda decided to text Liv since Liv was stubborn as hell.

"So since its come to this, I figured I'd give you the opportunity to tell me what your problem was with me this week. You made me feel like complete and total shit. So bad infact that my fucking gambling urges came back. Before you snap at me, no I did not act on those urges. What I was planning on doing actually was inviting you to come away with me for this weekend. But since you ever so nicely acted like I didnt exist I didnt fucking bother. -Rollins"

Livs phone went off disturbing her thought. She looked down and saw that it was from Rollins. Well damn she was right pissed. Though Liv didnt want to admit it Amanda was justified. She didnt think she had hurt her this much. Apparently she did. She thought for a minute and answered back.

"Amanda- I dont even know what to say to make this right. You're right, I shouldnt have treated you like that. It was very unprofessional of me. I apologize for that. I'm glad you didnt act on those impulses, it shows just how far you have come. Just relax and have a good weekend. We can talk when you get back. -Liv"

Amanda had been sitting in her hotel room when she got the reply from Liv. She really didnt expect to get one back. How could everything had gone downhill so fucking fast. She had her beer on the table, and some tourist attraction show on the tv. Now it sounded as if Liv was patronizing her, not a good idea she thought to herself. Then reading the last part. Laughing 'now she wants to talk. what the fuck?' Scratching her head, trying to think of a reply back but not wanting to sound too bitchy, after all Liv was her boss and she couldnt afford to lose her job. At the same time this was about a personal matter. The brunette was making her fucking crazy.

"Liv- Talk when I get back? What the hell is that even supposed to mean? You mean you're actually gonna talk to me and not at me? Thanks for being 'proud' of me. You say you wantd to talk when I get back, why the fuck didnt you want to talk earlier when I was there? Come on Liv. You cant say all this shit just cause Im not here, and on text message. But fine it's whatever. Maybe we will talk if you can tell me why and be fucking honest, why you were such a bitch to me today and made me fucking feel like shit. Sit on that and stew and tell me what you come up with. As for me, I'm going to go hit up night life here in NSB and enjoy myself. -Amanda"

Olivia again was kinda taken aback at Amanda's brashness. Had she really hurt her this bad? Of course she wanted to talk to Amanda. She wanted to resolve this. Hmm she mentioned NSB. That meant Amanda went to Florida. From the way the texts were going this wasnt going to get settled soon and it was just intensifying. What she was thinking of doing and very seriously at that was flying down to NSB and talking to Amanda face to face. There was no way that she wanted them to stay at each other's throats. She didnt text Amanda back. She sat and thought for a lil bit. She had made up her mind. She was going to make a visit to NSB and go clear the air with Amanda. No way could she wait til Tuesday when it was only Friday. She booked a red-eye flight that was going to leave in two hours. She'd be in Florida by midnight. She called and booked a room at The Salty Mermaid Oceanfront Hotel. Since she didnt know where Amanda was staying she could hopefully surprise her. She began to pack. Called and told and Uber to pick her up in about twenty five minutes.

Amanda was enjoying herself out in the Florida nightlife. NSB nightlife was interesting. She liked to watch the people. She regretted being so angry with Liv in the texts, but she was mad and it was better that she was honest. She planned on texting her in the am to apologize. What she didnt know was that Liv was going to be in NSB by then, and unbeknownst to her at the same hotel. Liv had packed and was in her uber on the way to her red-eye flight. Would Liv run into Amanda tonight? Or would she run into her tomorrow? Well it would technically be tomorrow when she got there anyway.

It had been about an hour and a half that Amanda had people watched. She just liked to do that. Since it was around one-thirty in the am she headed back to her hotel. As she got there, she saw a familiar person at the check in. Thinking to herself 'you have got to be kidding me. she came here?' Amanda shook her head, she needed to keep her cool. She walked up to Liv. "Hey Olivia, what are you doing here?"

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