Part 1 The New Student

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"Zee ya la'er, mum!" I yelled, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder like an AK.
"Goodbye, Luka. Oh and please, stay out of trouble." My mum replied before quickly going back to humming those stupid, soppy 80's songs. So cringe... As I paced down the newly-surfaced road, I pulled out my phone and called Zach. Like always, he picked up.
"Yo wassup, ma guy?" I greeted him, making him laugh.
"Nothin' much. You?" She
"Same 'ere. On ma way ta school."
Zach scoffed. "Yer always late, dude."
"Pfft! Like I care. School's borin' anyways."
"Just be there soon, k? I'm gettin' bored, bro."
"Sure. See ya." I hung up, stuffing my phone into my pocket again and upping the pace slightly. Whereas I didn't care about getting in trouble, it was still annoying having to wait in that god forsaken classroom for an extra half hour. It's much rather be back home, playing Xbox with my friends. As anybody would be.

I suddenly collided with somebody, dropping my bag and scattering books everywhere in the process.
"Ow! What the he-" My face blazed a hot crimson as I saw who it was. It was a girl. She had long, soft brown locks that ran down to her stomach. She had very doll-like features, the main one being her deep black eyes. I just... couldn't stop staring.
"I-I-I-I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" She stammered, embarrassed.
"Y-yeah..." I muttered as she pulled me to my feet.
"Oh, you dropped this by the way." She handed me my bag, and I quickly checked that everything was inside. I smiled in relief when I saw everything I had packed was still there.
"Cheers. Say, ya look new. Where ya from?"
"Oh, here!" She grinned, making me blush slightly.
"C'mon, be more specific than that!" I laughed.
"Oh um... Just as you turn left from the school's entrance. Keep goin', and I'm not too far from there!"
"Oh. Right. New here?" I asked.
"Uh huh!" She nodded. "Hey, how about a quick tour? We've got time, right?"
"Uh..." I looked down at the time on my phone. 8:26. Class was at... uh... oh yeah. 8:45, so we did have long enough for a tour and a quick cone of chips. "Yeah we got 'bout 10 mins before we really need ta get ta class. If yer 'ungry enough, we could go grab a quick cone'a chips."
"Ya sure? Ok then! You lead the way." She beamed that brilliant smile again. God she was something else...

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