Chapter 1- Maggie

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Never in my life did I ever think this would happen. The last year of my life has been dedicated to him, to our relationship.

Today was supposed to be our last day together before he left for the summer, but now I find him with her. I'm standing here, in the doorway of his dim bedroom, as I watch my boyfriend push another girl off of his lap. I don't know what to say, or do; I'm stone cold.

After about a minute of shock, I finally find the strength to turn around and walk out of his house as fast as I can. That is, until he grabs my arm to stop my movements of heartbreak.

I turn around to see tears in his eyes and that's when I notice the same moisture running down my own face. "Magg...", is all that can come from his disloyal mouth. I stand there waiting for more but it doesn't come. I loosen my arm from his grip only for him to grab it again. "Maggie, I'm sorry." That sentence strikes me wrong.

"You're sorry?! I walk in on you kissing another girl and all you can say is 'I'm sorry'?", I scream into his face. Dylan has always put me first. There was never a time I felt insecure or felt like I couldn't trust him, until today of course. He finds his words, "Yes, I'm sorry. I pushed her away the first time but she didn't take 'no' for an answer. I know it was wrong but I can't-" I cut him off before he gets the chance to say another word. "The first time? How long has this been going on, Dylan?"

I can see the hurt in his eyes. I've always hated seeing him like this, however, he put himself in this position. "About two weeks...", Dylan says in a small voice. I close my eyes and feel another tear fall from my face. "You're unbelievable." I yank my arm from him yet again but this time I'm quick to walk out the front door and slam it in his face. By the time I get to my car Dylan is already after me.

"Margaret just listen to me!", he yells across the yard as he runs towards me. I fumble with my keys, "There is nothing you can say that can fix this right now. I came here to spend the last day I could with you before you leave for three months, but instead I get my heart ripped from my chest!" Out of the corner of my eye I see the front door fly open and Elle comes out. I look Dylan straight in the eyes, "Oh look, there's your make-out whore! How about you go tell your lies to her now." I get my car unlocked and climb inside and Dylan does too.

"Get out!", I scream while I'm unable to control myself. "No! I'm not leaving you to question everything about our relationship just because you won't hear me out. I will answer anything you want me to, you just have to talk to me. Please!" He knows me well enough to know everything he just said was true. If I were to leave now without talking to him, I would sit in my room wondering if the past year was even real or if he ever actually loved me. "Okay.", I agree in a much quieter voice. "Okay what?", he sniffles. I look up at him with burning eyes, "Okay, I'll listen."

Silence overtakes the car with both of us unsure as to what to say next. There's hundreds of questions running through my head yet I don't know how to bring myself to ask him any.

Right as I decide to ask one, Elle knocks on the passenger window. In all honesty, I kind of forgot she was still here. I guess she lost patience. Dylan decides to roll down the window to see what she wants.

"You guys know I'm still here, right?", she says in an annoying, cocky tone. Dylan bites back, "If you have a problem with us ignoring you, then leave." Him telling her off made a little part of my saddened heart happy. The whore laughs, "You didn't want me to leave ten minutes ago. I know your innocent little girlfriend there just caught us kissing and all, but I also know that doesn't change how you feel about me, baby."

I feel my cheeks flaring up and my heart breaking an absurd amount more than it was a second ago. "You're wrong! I never felt anything towards you and I never will.", Dylan tries defending himself but it doesn't make me feel any better. She continues to smirk, "I beg to differ because I recall your lips being all over me not so long-" He cuts her off, "Elle, shut up!" His comment causes her to wink, "Make me."

He turns back to me, "I'm so sorry Magg, she's just trying to get in between us. We can fix this I know we can! Let's just go to your house and I'll explain everything, I promise." I almost consider it for a second. We can be alone and talk it all out and everything will be okay. All I want right now is to wake up from this nightmare he's created for me, but sadly this is reality.

I shake my head and look down at my trembling hands, "I don't think that's a good idea." He takes my hand in his in an attempt to stop me from shaking but I take it back. "But you just said that we could talk this out." I look up at him with weary eyes, "No, I said I would listen, and I have been listening, and what I know now is that you broke my heart and I can't trust you anymore."

He whimpers, actually whines, "What are you saying...?" What comes next are the words I never thought I would say to this man, and what I now dread having to say. "I'm saying this relationship is finished, we're done." He immediately grabs my hand and lifts my chin up to meet his eyes. "Please don't say that Maggie. I love you! I love you so much, please." Elle grunts in the background, "Oh my Lord! Spare me the drama."

Dylan turns his head to her, "Then leave! I don't want you here anyways."

"Sweetheart, I wish I could but you drove me here." This just keeps getting better, doesn't it? "Dylan.", I say with no more context. His expression brightens at the sound of his name falling from my mouth. "Yes baby?"

I take my hand out of his and turn the key, starting the car. I hadn't realized how hot it was in here. It's the end of May and it gets hotter everyday. "Get out of my car and take the whore home." His face hardens and her voice, that will now forever haunt my memories, comes alive, "Would you stop calling me a whore?!" I snap back, "Well am I wrong?" She stays quiet. That's what I thought.

"I'm not leaving.", Dylan stands his ground but it's not his ground, it's mine. "Yes you are. Get out, take her home, and do me a favor and never talk to me again."

I unlock the car and lean across him to open his door. He finally does as I say, which hurts, and gets out of my car. I wrap my seat belt around my torso and click it into place, locking the doors again. Just as I switch the gear to drive I hear him saying one last thing. "I love you. Don't forget the connection we have."

I roll up the window without saying another word and drive off. I glance in the rear view mirror to see him put his hands behind his head after wiping his swollen, red eyes. I drive back home, alone with my thoughts. I try to drown it out with music but I'm really not in the mood.

I pull into my driveway and walk into my house, careful to avoid my parents. Luckily they're watching their favorite show, "How To Get Away With Murder". I run up to my room and shut the door behind me and collapse in my sorrow.

My heart is more broken than it ever has been. I can barely breathe. The tears are running down my cheeks in a constant flow. I bite my hand to scream so my parents don't hear me and become concerned. I decide to text my best friend, Lonnie, about what happened. Being alone isn't the best idea right now.

It's difficult to type because my tears are blurring my vision and my hands are trembling. I'm able to type the words "SOS Dylan kissed another girl" and send it. When we text 'SOS', that means we need them to come over. I remember when she made an unnecessary 'SOS' text to me when she burnt the food she was making and wanted me to bring her some instead. I actually did it.

Lonnie texts back straight after but I don't look at it.

About ten minutes pass, I'm still on my floor in tears and I feel my phone vibrate. When I don't respond, I hear Lonnie's ringtone and answer it.

On the other end of the phone I hear the traitors voice, "I just need to talk to her!"

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