Chapter 6- Dylan

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I feel numb walking into the airport. Maggie was supposed to be here to say goodbye to me. I look around the airport looking for her as I check in my bag, even though I know in my heart that I won't see her. My mom can see that I'm still upset. Why wouldn't I be? I just lost Maggie. I love Maggie. 

My mom and I walk over to security after I'm done checking in my bag. She looks at me. I know she's sad and disappointed in me. I was contemplating not telling her about what happened at all, but when she heard me punch a hole in my wall when I got home from Maggie's last night I told her everything. Even though I tried to avoid the whole 'Yeah, I cheated on her' part, it didn't work. She knew. Moms always know. 

"Dylan, I just don't understand why you would throw her away for some other girl who you knew full well gets around. Not only that, but you could've gotten a disease from that!", she yells at me in the middle of the airport making this situation everyone else's business too. "I didn't sleep with her, I told you that." She looks at me dumbfounded, "I know you know that is not the only way you can get something. I taught you that years ago." 

Why is she making this a lecture about STDs? "Yes I know, I'm sorry." She takes in a deep breath, "That isn't even why I'm upset with you. Maggie is a good girl and I know you loved her, everyone did. I guess I just don't understand what got into you."

I don't know what got into me either. Maggie is perfect just like she said. I have always known that. I want her back just as much as my mom wants me to have her back. She dealt with enough bad decisions while raising my brother. After he went to jail, I met Maggie. I think that made her think she wasn't a bad mother. She thought that at least she raised one good kid who makes good choices. But now look at me. I'm just as bad as my brother.

After a moment of silence from me she starts back again, "Maybe it's a good thing you're spending the summer with your dad. You need to leave this place and figure out whatever it is that's the problem and come back with a clear head, and you better never do this again to another sweet girl like Maggie. Do you understand me?"

I sigh. I know she's right. I don't like that she assumes I'm going to ever date someone other than Maggie. I'm getting her back as soon as I get back from Colorado. I just don't know how yet.

My mom knows she left me without words so she gives me a tight hug. It's 12:25pm and my flight leaves at 1pm, so I need to leave now if I'm ever going to make it, even if I know that is the last thing I want to do right now. 

"I love you Mom. I promise I'll work myself out and make things better."

She gives me a saddened look, "I know you will sweetheart. I love you too. Have fun at your dads and I'll see you in a couple months." I'm always sad leaving my mom alone here in North Carolina, but she says it's okay. 

I give her one last hug and leave to go through security. 

It takes me about 15 minutes to get through and get to my gate. Faster than usual which is nice. They haven't called for me to board yet so I decide to call Maggie one more time. She hasn't answered any of my texts or calls since what happened, but I don't want her to think I'm going to leave without trying to say goodbye. Maybe we can talk a few things out if she actually answers, but I doubt she will.

I go to my favorites in my contacts and click on her name. The phone rings a few times then it goes to voicemail. No answer. I tried to call and text her a couple times this morning. Maybe she's sleeping and hasn't seen them yet. Maybe she will wake up and realize how much I love her and decide she wants to get back together.

I feed into my delusions and call her one more time. It goes straight to voicemail. She blocked me. She was serious. I can't believe she was serious. 

I hear my boarding number called over the intercom. I decide to leave it be and head onto my flight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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