Perfectly imperfect (A One Direction story)

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"You're lying!" I roared a big mistake on my part seeing as in a matter of seconds my mothers hand was at my cheek leaving a shade of red behind as she brought her arm back to her hip.

"You little brat look at the papers! its all there!" She smacked the papers against my lower chest then stormed to the kitchen to answer the phone, probably another person looking for drugs but hey I guess she is the one to go for if you need them.

"Why have you waited untill now to tell me this?" My voice lowered as I spoke, my throat throbbed preparing for the future tears that will be soon sliding off my face. She casually leaned across the door frame and laughed.

"Do you really think I wanted you here?The only reason I waited till now to tell you is because of the buckets of money I got from your father telling me not to break your wee little heart,well lets face it he's gone and he won't be coming back any time soon, and if I don't get my money you don't get your "mommy."

That stung. That genuinely stung. Who would have known that the woman that has been taking care of me all my life, and the woman I called "mom" could think this little of me.

"You need to leave now. I have a deal coming within a few minutes and I don't need a pesky little bitch running around scaring the customers away." with that she left me alone to pack a bag and get out of her life forever.


My name is Angela I am 16. I have brownish blondish hair with multiple dreadlocks in the back, its a bit past my shoulders. I have blue gray eyes almost like a morning mist. I'm a normal sized girl but I have always had issues about my weight. If you ask me if I think I'm pretty I'm not quite sure what I would's not that I think I'm ugly I love all my features...just not on me. Anyways I've been living in Detroit Michigan for about 2 years now. I use to Live in a quiet sweet house smelling purely of cinnamon candel wax and my fathers Armani aftershave, but when my father died everything changed. My mom started drinking, that lead to selling drugs, and practically going insane. Thats why we moved, for better "business deals." one time my mother even tried to get me to "please" her clients! thats pretty sickening if you ask me. she wanted me to sell my body to make more money for her precious drugs. how can someone have such little amount of self respect? My mom took me out of school when I was about twelve years old just to be there for her deals, I was practically her little slave. I do find the joy in life though because whenever I'm down I just try to remember that there will ALWAYS be someone worse off, not to mention I always have music, and my skateboard.


Well, this is it. It's final. I'm gone.

I look back at my now old house, so many memories mostly bad, but this is where I progressed in my passion for skateboarding, and without that I would have spent a lot of time walking with sore feet.

I started walking just..thinking. As much as my mom has hurt me Something inside me still wanted her to run out and yell I love you. Just to know that at one point in time I actually meant something to her.

Walking, walking, walking, I finally came across a bench next to a little ice cream shop. I sat down and took in the scenery of where I most likely will be staying for a few nights. It was rather beautiful really the freshly cut grass, the children on the playground playing on swings and giggling, not to mention the feeling of the warm summer air. I may be on my own but I don't feel alone. I am certainly not scared.


"Is she dead?" I woke up with a little finger poking at my cheek. I groaned, and sat up stretching my sore back not yet opening my eyes,but preparing for the brightness my eye lids are hiding.

"Gahndb" I hear a toddler voice respond. When I finally opened my eyes I saw two little children the boy looked around 5, and the girl only two or three. I also noticed two boys frantically looking around the park, it was funny really.

"Hello? Are those boys the people who are supposed to be watching you? You might want to go tell them you're okay." I spoke in a sweet tone with a caring smile. I've always loved kids.

"I'm Ben, and this is lux." He pointed to himself and then the little girl. They may just be the cutest kids I've ever seen. I can already tell Ben will be a stud muffin when he gets older, and that lux will be beautiful. I also like the fact that he completely avoided my question.

"Hi Ben, Hi lux I'm Angela but you two can call me Angie." I smiled at the two young kids, and stood up.

"How about we go find the people who are suppose to be watching you two." Ben took my hand in his while lux opened her arms signaling me to pick her up, and hold her.

"Why are you at the park Angie?" Ben questioned me as we walked further, and further from the bench.

"I'm here because my mother lost me, and never came looking for me." I tried to word it in a way a child could understand but in a way I wish I would have just said I was taking a nap or something because I don't want to poison the minds of these innocent children.

"I'm sowwy Angie, but I found you!" Ben smiled brightly at me, and I returned a warm smile. I wish I was a child again. So innocent, so carefree, so honest.

"BEN" I heard a male voice scream. Ben turned around running to see who I'm assuming were the people in charge of watching over him, and lux.

"HAWWY, LOU LOU" Ben screeched when he reached them. I walked over to the two older boys that were now squishing Ben in a hug.

"Loose some kids?" I giggled, and handed lux over to the one with curls.

"Thank you so much for watching them! I don't know what We would have done if we lost these two." The curly haired boy spoke.

"Dad?" I questioned. He looked to young to be a dad but you never know.

"No, no, no just babysitting with my mate Louis." He nodded to the boy in stripes, and they both continued giving hugs,and kisses to Ben, and lux. It was so sweet seeing people love kids so much even when it's not their children.

"This is angewa she's my girlfriend." Ben stated confidently. I giggled he is so cute.

" oh is she now?" Stripes smiled at me.

"I'm Harry, and this is Louis by the way." He smiled a dimply smile.

"I'm Angela, and I'm Benny boys girlfriend. " Ben giggled, and I bent down giving him a big hug.

"You smell pretty." Ben said causing me to giggle.

"Thanks Benny you too!" I looked up At the two boys realizing both of them were staring at me so I decide its my time to go.

"It was nice meeting you harry, Lou. Do I get a goodbye hug Ben?" Ben gave me a huge hug, but I pulled away as soon as I felt warm water on my neck.

"Ben what's wrong?" I asked worryingly.

"I don't want you to go Angie." Ben had tears running down his cheeks. I managed to wipe the majority of them away, and then pulled him into another hug.

"Whenever you want to see me just get harry or Louis to take you to this park. I will always be here." I smiled and squeezed him tight before letting go, then placing a kiss on lux's head.

"Bye guys! Nice meeting you all." I smiled, and walked back to my bench in a much happier mood then when I first got here.

I sat back at my bench and watched as Louis, Harry, Ben, and lux made there way over to the bench.

"Why are you sat here all alone?"

"I don't have anywhere else to go really..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2014 ⏰

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