Chapter 14: Anita

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It's been a week now since Jaxon and I began our friends with benefits deal, and it's been extremely hard to keep my hands off of him whenever he's around.

We've snuck around skipping a couple classes, but kept it serious whenever anyone is about. During lunch we keep to our usual tables and don't really look at each other, pretty much pretending we've never met. Just hoping that anyone that saw us interact at the race or party  were either too drunk to remember or were too scared of Jax to care. Because of that we've been quite successful in acting like strangers to the rest of the world.

However, as we talked about, Jax has to give other girls attention to avoid suspicion. That's why he walks around the halls with random girls on his arms, much to my dislike. He's enjoys it as well, having little make-out sessions against the lockers with them whenever I'm around. He's just lucky that I have self control or else he wouldn't have a tounge to kiss with anymore.

I on the other hand haven't been around any other boys due to the fact that I wasn't planning on making friends in the first place. That's in school though, out of school is a whole different matter. Therefore, at my next race tonight, I'm planning on getting him back for all the jealousy he's caused me this past week at school. I'm obviously not going to do anything with anyone else but a bit of harmless flirting should be enough to get back at him.

Anyways it's Saturday afternoon and I'm just chilling watching some Chicago Fire on the sofa. I don't need to be at the race until 8pm so that gives me a few hours to just do nothing. Jax is working in the city today but he'll be at the race tonight as he's got one as well. Unfortunately though we'll need to keep our distance since people from our school and smaller gang members attend. Can't have them see us together so we can't.

We're racing at the same place as last time but there's people from other states coming in for the race, which should make it more interesting. There's also supposed to be a big party held at the barn after the races for them. It should be a fun night.

I'm cut out of my thoughts when my phone buzzes beside me. Looking down I see that it's Gia facetiming me. Clicking the green button, I'm greeted with a close up of Gia's big brown eyes and perfect smile. I laugh at her as she pulls the phone away from her face, revealing her messy brown waves.

"Heeeeeeeyyyyyyy" she screams out with far too much energy. Gia's always been the goofier one out of the two us, and I honestly love her for that. It means that she has enough positive energy for the both of us when we meet new people. I kind of wish she came with me now, but then again I don't know if I would've had the same experiences with Jax if she did.

"Ugh, why have you got so much energy G?" I groan.

"Cause I always do duh, and why are you still in your Pj's Al? Isn't it like 3pm over there?" she scrunched her face at my laziness.

"It's 2pm not 3pm" I pouted as if that made my laziness any better.

"Same thing. It's afternoon and your still not dressed, your ridiculous" I gasped at her attack, sometimes it's good to have a lazy day. I mean iv'e done that quite a lot recently but she doesn't know that.

"Whatever. Hey I want to speak to Alfie, is he there?" Alfonso is 19 and one of my brothers that I haven't spoken to in a while. He specialises in weapons and joined the mafia last year. He's the brother that's more laid back with things but of course like the others, he's extremely protective.

"Erm, I think he's with Anita this now, he's been with her a lot more recently" She says rolling her eye. My anger spikes at this information.

Anita has been Alfie's puta for a while now, they've been fooling around for a few years, and let me tell you. She's a bitch. She's one of those girls that are super possessive over guys and feels threatened by every other female. Including family. I know it's ridiculous.

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