14. Evidence

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When I got home from work, Beca was already home. Granted I don't think she actually left that day. Beca was curled up in the bed. She had the blanket over her head clutching the red panda stuffed animal to her chest. Her eyes were locked on something. She didn't hear me come in. I sat down next to her. "Beca? You okay?"

She didn't respond she just kept staring. I followed her eyes to a letter that was sitting in front of her. I picked it up. Dear Mrs. Beca Mitchell, in the case of one, Jesse Swanson, in the argument of Domestic Violence and Excessive Substance Abuse; Jacob Anderson, of Anderson and Anderson Law Firm, would like to request your testimony against the accused.

"Beca..." I said putting the letter down. I moved so I was in front of her. Our eyes locked. "This could be your chance to finally be rid of him."

"I know..." she said meekly. "I'm scared Chloe."

I wrapped my arms around her "I know. You don't have to do this. Whatever you decide, I'll be right by your side."

"I could be rid of him for good..."

"You could. But you've already been through so much. Everyone will understand."

Beca set a hand on her stomach. "I'll do it. For our family."

I smiled. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. You'll come with me right?"

"Of course. You won't have to do this alone." I set my hand on top of hers. "I'll be right by your side."

She leaned in pressing her lips to mine. When we broke apart she said, "I have no idea what I did to deserve you. I love you."

"I love you too."


On the day of the trial, I wore a red dress with a black jacket and some white sneakers. I pulled my hair into a ponytail just so it was out of my face. Chloe wore a blue pantsuit thing with matching shorts. It had white stripes. She paired it with a white t-shirt and white sneakers. She put her hair in a low bun. We grabbed sunglasses before heading out the door. We got into Chloe's car. We had left with plenty of time to spare which was really helpful as about 5 minutes into our drive, my stomach started doing flips. I tried just closing my eyes but that seemed to make it worse.

"Pull over."

"You okay Bec?"

"Just pull over."

"Okay." Chloe pulled the car over to the side of the road. I jumped out of the car and immediately threw up. Chloe turned off the car and came to my side. She rubbed my back comfortingly.

"You feel better now?" she asked.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah." We got back into the car and continued our drive. I played with my nails. For once they weren't black. They were bare; I just hadn't felt like painting them. I bounced my leg and picked at my fingers.

"It's going to be okay. I promise." Chloe said placing her hand on mine.

"How can you be so sure? This is Jesse we're talking about."

"Because it's you. And you are stronger than ever. And I will be right there the whole time."

"I love you."

"I love you too Beca."


The trial was pretty simple. Jesse had gone back to his old habits. But his time with a new girl, Ginny Camp, who decided enough was enough and pressed charges. Ginny was sweet. She had a Southern accent which made her come across as even sweeter. When Beca was called up to testify,her hands were shaking. I took one and gave it a quick squeeze. "All you have to do is tell the truth. Look at me if you have to."

"Mrs. Michell," Jacob Anderson started. He was a tall man with dark skin and darker eyes. He wore a blue suit with a deep purple tie. "You were once in a relationship with the defendant correct?"


"Where you a subject of his abuse when you were together?"


"Can you explain your abuse for the court?"

"Jesse would drink excessively and hit me. He would throw things and cuss me out. It got to a point...." she paused. Looked directly at me for courage, and said, "where I attempted to take my own life."

Jacob Anderson gave her a kind smile, "No further questions your honor."

Jesse's lawyer went to question Beca next. "Mrs. Mitchell. You say that my client Jesse Swanson physically and verbally abused you."

"Yes sir."

"Do you have any evidence of this?" he asked smugly. Beca looked slightly panicked before looking at me with a look. I knew what she was thinking. I nodded. Beca took off her jacket. Her arms covered with faded scars. Scars caused by Jesse.

"Here's your evidence." 

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