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Your and Jennie's relationship had been running smoothly over the past few weeks.

Late-night tutor sessions.

Before class meetings. Everything was perfect.

"Morning," she said, kissing your cheek.

"Morning. How are you?"

"Really good actually!"

"Why really good?"

"Because my amazingly awesome girlfriend/boyfriend came to see me this morning!"

"Amazingly awesome? I really have to meet this person."

"Can you two please get a room?"

"We did have a room, Kai. That was until you walked in," Jennie said.

"Well, the door was wide open."

"No, Kai. The door was closed."

"Whatever Kim. Just get a room."

"What do you want, Kai?"

"I just came to tell you that I am done bothering you."

"All of a sudden?"

"I've been thinking about this for the past few weeks. I knew that I wasn't a good boyfriend to you. I just didn't want to acknowledge it."

"That's big of you to say."

"So, can I call a truce?"

"I didn't do anything to you, Kai. Why would a truce need to be called? Why don't you just stop messing with me and y/n?"

"Right. I am sorry for causing the trouble that I have caused for you too, y/n. I know that from the beginning, I wasn't a good friend to you. Um...I guess I will leave you guys to it then. Do you mind if I just get a hug?"

"A hug?"



"I just feel like it would be me saying my final goodbye to you."


Kai gave Jennie a long, tight hug before letting her go before looking over her shoulder and walking over to her desk.

"They were giving out food in the office this morning," he said, touching the plate.

"Yeah. Bagels, doughnuts, and some fruit. They gave out some coffee too."

"I guess I'll have to go down and get some. See you guys later. By the way, Jennie, this is a really nice mug."

Kai picked up the mug inspecting it closely as he did so.

"Anyways, I'll catch you guys later."

"Well, that was different. I never expected him to say anything like that."

"Neither did I. It was weird."

"Maybe someone talked some sense into him or something."

"Is this just another one of his games or something? Is he trying to catch you off-guard so he can do something while you aren't expecting it?"

"I'm not sure. He doesn't usually think that far into things. He's impulsive, but I guess it is possible. Let's not think about that right now though. I have 10 more minutes alone with my favorite person before they have to go to class."


Jennie had looked off all class. Something was wrong with her, but you couldn't figure it out.

"What was I saying?"

"You were talking about the final, Ms. Kim," a student said.

"Oh right! You guys...um...you'll be taking it very soon. I'm...you know what? I'm not going to just sit here and ignore it."

For the past 30 minutes, nothing she said made a lick of sense. It was as if she was drunk but sober.

"I am not going to just pretend like he's not doing this to me. That bastard."

"What's wrong with her," Lisa whispered.

"I have no idea. She was just fine when I went to see her this morning..."

"He is a lazy, manipulative, piece of crap! He should know it too!"

Suddenly, Jennie stormed out of the classroom without another word. You ran after her with Lisa following closely behind.

"Jennie, where are you going?!"


Jennie wouldn't let up on her speed as she quickly approached her ex-boyfriend's classroom.

"Ms. Kim!"


She burst into Kai's classroom.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Kim?"

"You bastard!"

"What's going on?"

"You ruined my life!"

"I don't understand, Ms. Kim."

"You understand me, Kai! Don't try to play stupid now!"

"Ms. Kim that is enough!"

The dean's voice boomed throughout the huge classroom.

"It's time for you to come with us."

Two security guards stood tall in the doorway.

"No! He needs to hear me!"

"Ms. Kim, I said that it's time for you to come with us. If you don't comply, they will be dragging you out of here."

"Fuck you!"

"Let's go."

The security guards both placed one hand on Jennie's arm, dragging her out of the room.

"Let me go! I said let me go! Get your hands off of me!"

"Jennie, calm down."

"Y/n! Y/n, help me! They won't let me go!     Y/n!"

"It's going to be okay. Just try to calm down."

"They won't let me go, y/n! Help m-"

Before she could finish her sentence, her body slipped out of the guards hands as she fell to the ground unconscious.

"Jennie? Jennie!"

She wasn't breathing.


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