Were here

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*alarm goes off*
To be at the park by 9 I had to wake up at 6... So I did. I got up and brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower. I then checked the weather and saw ot would be 87°. So shorts were the way to go. I put on a salmon colored tank top with short khaki pants. I grabbed my shades and put my trunks in a bag incase we went to the water park... I grabbed my phone and called Aunt Jill "Hes not up yet but sure come on over." Great...
Today was also the day Daniel was going back to campus so I ran downstairs to say my goodbyes. "Man im gonna miss ya Danny boy" i said holding him close "not as much as ill miss u J.. Have fun today alright?" "Ill try." And with that I helped him carry his luggage to the car.. And I went off to grab Austin.
*ding dong*
I knocked on there Hotel door. Aunt Jill answered surprisingly quick. "Erm hey is he ready?" "Well almost. He wants to wear a batman sweater but im trying to tell him its gonna be hot! Its not like this back in New York!" "Oh well maybe I can help.." and with that she led me into a bathroom were shirtless Austin was holding up a batman sweatshirt. "Austin! I said no! Its gonna be hot now grab a SHIRT!" I could tell Aunt Jill was highly frustrated. "THIS IS A SHIRT MOMMY!!! LOOK SLEEVES!" i decided to chime in. "Austin come with me.:" he followed. I took him to a window and opened it. "Stick ur hand out." "What?" he was confused. "Just do it bud." He followed orders and pulled his hand in and said "its hot"."Yea it is. You should wear a short sleeve shirt.." He didnt answer but ran away.
I sat down and waited for about 5 mins until Aunt Jill came out with Austin. He was wearing a short sleeve marvel shirt with his hair slicked up. "I cant thank you enough Jack." Aunt Jill started but I cut her off with a hug. Austin then ran up to me and said one of the nicest things that have came out if his mouth. "Do u like my hair Jackey???? I put it up like yours!" "Aww i love it champ, but lets style it a little better." I fixed his hair and then started the car. The ride wont be so bad!
Austin ran to the car and sat in the back perfectly still. "Um Austin are u okay.?" "Mommy puts me in a special seat i dont see one." Well damn i dont have a booster seat. So I simply said "super heroes dont sit in booster seats" With that he fastened his seat back and I drove off.
I decided to get him Ice Cream because well I didnt have breakfast. We were only 30mins into the trip and we were jamming out to Arianna Grande on the radio. "THIS IS THE PART WHEN I SAY I DONT WANT IT IM STRONGER THAN IVE BEEN BEFORE!" we were having a great time. You know. I kinda fancied Arianna Grande. Even her name "Arianna" was pretty...
We were about an hour into the trip and I looked back and saw Austin dead asleep.. To be honest he was kinda cute..That made me think what if I had kids one day.. What would I name them? Would my girlfriend even WANT to have kids?? My girlfriend Zoey was in New York checkin out a university. I miss the crap outta her. I feel so alone without her.. But seriously kids.? Im a Virgin so the thought of putting my thangy in her thangy was weird...
In about 45mins Austin was wide awake and begging for some food. I mean nonstop talking. So I bought the kid a burger. We were close to getting there so me and Austin just talked. He told me about his girlfriend I talked about mine... Yea hes 7 and has a girl.. I wasnt surprised. Hes a sweet talker! We talked and talked until he saw the big gates. "Wow ive never been here before...." "YOUVE NEVER BEEN TO THE GREAT ESCAPE?'' Now i was shocked. "Well lets make this a trip you wont forget!"
I paid for us and went to find parking. Do u know how long it took? A fricken long ass time. Like Austin almost fell asleep again. Thats how long! But finally I did. We got out of the car and I can see the wonder in this kids eyes. "Well. Were here."
The first hour or so was literally just finding characters an taking pictures on my phone because i promised to make this a trip he "wont forget". We rode alot of rides! But once we went on the Bumper cars he puked afterwards. And to make a joke i said "well u wont forget that.." So yea he got mad at me.. And he then said the only way to make it better was to go to the tilt-a-whirl. My answer? "OH HELLL NO! IM GONNA PUKE!" "Jackey COME ON! PLEASE!" "UM COUSIN JACKEY AINT DOIN THAT!"he replied "I CANT GO MY SELF!" THE FUCK U CAN AUSTIN!" I then realized my language needed a step back so I crouched down to his level and said "Im sorry. But I dont want to. You have to consider my feelings too.." Well it worked. I avoided the ride. And we went else were.
At lunch we sat down and ate. Again. I mean if its two things ive noticed about him. Is that he truly likes boy things, and he can eat!! "Jackey im full.." "okay throw it out." When he came back I asked him "Austin why dont u call my Jack?" And I swear to god this kid said the best thing ive ever heard . "Well what was your aunts name?? My daddies old wife?" I was shocked he knew this but as u could guess. It was Jackie.. "Wow... But why?" "Well I though thatd youd like me more and youd have more fun if I brought her to you with me. And by sayin her name shes here!!" I hugged him. And I hugged him long and hard. "You know what?? Lets go to tilt-a-whirl"

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