Ch1 Death Calls

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Ring ring the phone rang Jeremiah picked it up with his dainty hands.

“Hello agent 2310.”

“Who is it this time?”

“I am sorry to tell you...” he paused. Jeremiah interrupted “Wait your sorry oh no it can't be... Please say it's not”

“I am sorry to tell you sir, but it is Sapphire.”

“NO, it can't be I can't kill my own wife. I won't do it”

“You have to” Jeremiah interrupted “NO!!!” as he hung up. The room was silent for a moment the only sound in the little house was the chirping of the birds outside. Then the phone started back up ring ring. “Hello.”

“Hello so you are not going to obey?”

“Well no... yes... I don't know”, he hesitated.

“You know what happens when you disobey.”

“I am well aware.”

“Must I really have to kill you? This is not necessary just obey, and I won't have to kill you.”

“No sir I will do my job sir”, he hesitantly said as he hung up the phone. A tear rolled down his rough cheek. He pulled up his hand to his face and wiped the single tear, and he turned to look out the window at the shallow creek that crossed their yard.

Later that day his wife walked in. “Hi honey I'm home” her voice echoed through the small house. “Hello sweety, how was your day?”, he asked as he came up and gave the beautiful woman a hug. He loved her now that he has to kill her. He loved how her beautiful blond flowy hair swept across his cheek, and the way her ice blue eyes gleamed as she stared at him. “My day was alright. Hey do you want to go out and dance tomorrow night?”

“Yeah sure” he said as he swept out the door to get the groceries.

That night after dinner they went to bed, but Jeremiah could not sleep all he could do was think about the phone call that morning. He planed to kill her this very night in her sleep. He got up out of bed and lingered to the kitchen. He opened the third drawer and pulled out a big butcher knife. He slowly crept back in to their bedroom and up to their bed. He looked at the beauty asleep in the bed. He just could not kill her he brought the knife down upon his hand seconds before it would have pierced in to her heart. A tear rolled down his cheek and landed upon her hand. Another tear came it landed by the other, and created a heart shape. He kissed her upon her forehead and walked to the bathroom to bandage his hand.

The next morning he woke up in the bathroom leaned against the wall. He got up, made his breakfast, and sat down on the porch. As he sat their he watched his wife leave to work. Ring Ring the phone rang. He got up and ran inside to get the phone. “Hello.”

“She is not dead yet?”

“No I will do my job later.”

“I want you to slit her throat when she gets home.”

“Why does she need to die?”

“Do you not remember signing your contract saying you won't ask why?”

“Yes sir sorry sir”, he whispered as he hung up the phone. “Slit her throat” were the words that echoed in his head all day.

“Honey I'm home”, Sapphire instinctively said as she came into her house. She rounded the corner and entered the kitchen. Jeremiah came up behind her with his knife to her throat “I am sorry I love you” he whispered as the sharp serrated knife pierced the skin. As the knife moved it cut farther and farther into the woman's throat blood oozing down her body. Her body went limp, her heart stopped beating, and she with drew her last breath so he knew that she was dead. Releasing her body from his grip he dropped her to the floor. The blood spread across the floor. Her head was facing up at him and he could feel the death and sorrow as he looked at her gorgeous eyes. He dropped down to his knees and took her motionless body into his arms and drug her out the door and lied her in the stream in which flowed through their yard. He watched her body drift away slowly.

Ring ring the phone rang he ran in and picked it up. “Hello.”

“Good job agent 2310.”

“Thank you sir.”

“We will host a funeral Monday.”

“Yes sir I will be their sir”, he cried as he hung up the phone.

On the very next Monday he went to her funeral. “I can't believe she is dead”, he cried to hide the fact he killed her. He was the last one left at her grave at the end of the day. He lay next to her grave and ranted on how he did not want to murder her. He wrote a letter saying

Dear whomever finds me,

Who killed my dear wife Sapphire Lynn? You may ask. It was me Jeremiah.


Jeremiah Lynn

He held the letter and stabbed himself in the heart with his knife. The last ten seconds of his life went by in a blur as he died. The wind blew and sang its sad funeral song, and that day the sky cried.

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