Ch2 Lost Halves Meet

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Twins Jayden and Juniper were playing at the playground swinging on swings and sliding down slides like all the other 8 year olds in their class. Their teacher brought out a kickball, Juniper decided to play kickball while Jayden felt as if it were a bad idea and she went back to the swing set. Juniper was not going to listen to Jayden when she told her it felt like a bad idea. So the teacher divided the students up in to two teams. "Mark blue team, Jenny red team, Josey blue team, Nick red team, Lucka blue team, Lilly red team, Micheal blue team, Juniper red team, ..." the teacher said pointing at each and every student telling them what team to join. "Which team kicks first?" Nick asked.

"Well, I guess red team kicks first and blue catches first".

As the blue team kids got in their catching spots and got prepared the red team got ready to kick. The teacher got in the center to roll the ball. She rolled it as Nick ran up and kicked it out to the out field. "Good kick, Nick" the teacher congratulated him. She rolled the ball again as Jenny ran up and kicked it to the first base man. "Out 1, good try" sad the teacher. She rolled the ball again as Juniper ran up and kicked it sorta to the left near the third base man. "Nice Juniper" the teacher congratulated her, but she got taged at base two "out 2". She rolled it again as Lilly ran up and kicked it up in to the air and Mark caught it, "out 3, switch" yelled the teacher. Juniper ran out to the out field, the teacher rolled the ball and Lucka kicked it really far, Juniper was looking up at it running backwards prepared to catch it as she suddenly stepped out on the the road. She caught it right as a drunk driver came speeding down the road and hit Juniper. At that moment of inpact of Juniper and the car Jayden felt all air forced out of her as if it were her hit by the car.

The teacher, all the kids, and Jayden ran to go see if Juniper was ok. Juniper lay their bleeding out breathing heavily. The teacher called 911 and the ambulance came immediately. They picked up her gently and off to the hospital. Siting in the hospital waiting room as Jayden and her mom crying softly.

The doctor in a white coat walked in cleaning his hands off. He then slowly walked up to them and softly said "i'm sorry shes gone".

Crying even harder now Jayden and her mother drove home. As they arrived home they when to Junipers room and held her stuff and went to sleep crying. The next morning Jayden felt as if half of her was missing. Knowing her sister would never come back and that she would feel this way for ever she went into the kitchen and grabbed cleaning liquids and locked herself in her room. She slowly drank each and every deadly bottle until she passed out and then her heart began to slow its beat, But mercifuly she felt her sisters ghost rise her from the dead and told her to "keep moving".

Years later when Jayden was 13 she was being bullied and she tryed to hang herself, but her sister ghost untied the noose and dropped Jayden to her feet and told her to "keep moving, its not your turn yet". The next day she went to school and heard that the girl who bullied her had got killed over night.

Years later when Jayden was 16, her first boyfriend broke her heart and she drowned herself and her sisters ghost blew air back in to her lungs and pulled her to the surface and said "keep moving". When she returned to school her ex-boyfriend asked for her to forgive him and she said "no, keep moving" and she broke his heart back.

Years later when Jayden was 20 she was in a head on car crash and her sisters ghost returned as Jayden begged "please save me as you did before". But her sisters ghost replied "stop moving, its finally your time, please return with me and help me save our mother". Jaydens heart stopped that moment and her ghost arose out of her body she fallowed Junipers ghost to their old home and she saw right that moment what has caused her mother to be ill and grumpy, for their mother had been drugging herself since Juniper had died and now a message came saying,

"For your mother has lived her limit, we must kill her. Go meet you father in the Ghost hall, their you can't return to the world of the living, take your mother with you. Life for all four of ya'll is now over. Thank you for your time lived."

As they saw their mother gasping for her last breath her ghost arose from her body and the three of them left to the Ghost hall where they saw their father standing at the door waving. They all walked in as a big family and they were sucked in to a vortex and demolished.

Their spirit energy flew out upon the world as rain, and that day the sky cried.

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