Chapter 1

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third pov

The students stared at the fountain in the center of all the rescue areas, fear and confusion written all over their faces. The purple mist spread further, expanding to cover almost the whole plaza. As rando's began spilling out the portal in waves, Aizawa, Thirteen, and the entire class of 1-A watched the scene unfolding before their eyes, wondering what the fuck was up, Kyle.

"Don't move! Those are real villains!" Aizawa yelled, quickly unraveling his Gucci™️ scarf as he prepared to fight. The students huddled together, looking at the villains gathering down below.

"What the fuck, they all look like small fry." Bakugo snarled, keeping up his "i'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me" front. Surprisingly, he was right.

Guess boom boom bitch really can spout something other than bullshit 👊😔✌️, they thought.

Sure, the "unexpected guests" were villains, but none of them looked like they could throw down with a pro or anything. Oh well, I guess it just be like that sometimes.

None of them looked like they were on x games mode, until a couple figures stepped out of the purple mass. The first one was a man with light blue messy hair, and hands attached all over his body. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes; the whole package. Next to him, a muscular mass of something emerged, a cloaked figure perched on it's shoulder, their face completely shadowed by a hood. And when the portal shrank down to a humanoid figure, that made another formidable opponent. All four of them emitted an ominous air, especially the hand man and the cloaked teen.

Iida managed to slip past the mist man, but the rest of the students were teleported to different rescue areas to fend for themselves.

By the time they got down to the main area, Aizawa was lying on the ground, in a puddle of his own blood after being owned by the bird-like creature. The crusty man sensed the trio hiding in the water rescue area and got ready to disintegrate a bitch.

Midoriya launched into action, throwing a solid punch at Hand Fetish, only to find a muscly wall between them. The brain exposed monster seemed to grin, before reaching for the green haired boy, ready to crush his head.

"Nomu, stop."

Even though the words weren't directed at him, Midoriya froze. The voice came from the cloaked boy (which Midoriya knew was a boy from his voice) who had been silent and on standby during the entire ordeal. His face was still shadowed by the hood, and no one could make out what he looked like. He had only spoken two words, but his voice was smooth as silk, flowing over Midoriya and everyone else who heard like honey.

"Oi, you fucking extra! Who the hell do you think you are?! Show your fucking face, coward!" Bakugo yelled, his patience running thin. Compared to the voice before, Bakugo sounded like a whole ass train wreck, honks and bonks included.

The boy stayed quiet, seemingly pondering over something.

"Why'd you stop him?" Shigaraki rasped.

"Instinct." Of course, this was complete bullshit, but who could tell? Not Shigaraki's five year old brain.

The boy walked towards Midoriya, each footfall making a distinct clicking sound against the floor as everyone was still frozen from his previous command. When he got close enough, The Boy™️ raised his head, the hood falling. His indigo black hair showed, tumbling down to his shoulders, as his face was finally revealed.

Emerald green met bloody red, as buried memories resurfaced.

"T-Takashi?" (T-T)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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