chapter 1

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Here my wonderful readers here is another book hope you enjoy it 😊

Ella's POV:

Winter Field High.

One of the biggest schools in Canada but not something I can't afford. Basically they have something I desire so much, and I'm here for it.

I walked with my head high into the principal's office like any normal school girl.

The principal is an average height blonde in her thirties I think and she's about very beautiful and $exy, wow she's pretty cool for a principal

The school has basic infrastructures that I can't begin to mention all, a pool, tennis court, football field, and many more.

Well I've waited for this day and there's no going back, I'm not really interested in the school because I stopped schooling long ago.

My reason is best known to me, after the boring formalities and registration with the principal, I was taken to my class.

The classes are quite impressive, the students were actually making a hell of a noise maybe fighting over something.

"I'm glad to see you too class" Principal Terra said making the class fall silent.

"Good morning Principal" they all chorused looking at me strangely.
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"This is Ella your new classmate, Ella this is your new class" she introduced.

Some were eyeing while some were smiling, what do you expect in a school? So many people come to school from different angles and different aspects of life, we don't even know each other, what brings us together is the school.

"Welcome Ella" they all said again, for Pete's sake this is final year in high school so quit acting like kids.

I went to an empty seat at the left side at the window area, I started bringing out my note and pen as I saw a teacher walk in.

Just as he was about to start teaching, Mr lover boy walked in. Now that's my man.

Gonna find out later, I rolled my eyes when he winked at me. Gosh his body is to die for and his face is heaven, but I'm not drooling.

I should focus on the main business.

Gabriel's POV:

I slammed the music room door shut as I pushed her in, well I didn't call for her because I don't call. I never call.

I just wait for them to fall and come right to papa, then make them run really hard for it.

I kissed her roughly that I almost tore her uniform, I pulled it off and fondled her b00bs roughly making my beast so hard.

I stopped kissing her and devoured them hungrily, her soft sweet moans felt like music to my hears.

I carried her to the stage area and laid her on the rug, I pulled up her skirt and dipped my fingers into her wet p*$$y.

I put on finger, then two, then I angrily inserted all not minding her loud cries. The music room is soundproof so no one will hear.

I pulled my fingers off and brought out my angry beast, I thrust into her hard she let out a loud cry.

I started moving in a slow pace, then so fast she started screaming instead it drove me more crazy. I went on for minutes before c-ming on her face.

"Wow... You're pretty tight" I said wearing my trouser.

"You can leave now" I added breathing heavily.

She hurriedly wore her uniform before limping out, I smirked.

This is my school and I can do whatever I want, call me whatever I don't care at all. I'm the king of Winter Field high, no one can question my authority.

I don't do love, I'm a full time player who can do anything to get what he wants.

And she is just one of my victims, I can't blame myself because I can't help looking great.

I went to the rest room to clean, spray and check myself well before going back to class.

I entered the class and a stu.pi.d teacher is already inside, the girls are already drooling and uneasy again.

But something caught my eye, a new catch. I guess I have another victim but wow, she's a goddess with her perfect dark hair and beautiful lips.

I can see everything from here and she has a $exy figure for sure, but why do I feel like I've seen her somewhere?

I winked at her and she rolled her eyes, hmm a tough one huh? Tryna play hard to get huh?

Well you just met your doom because I'm going to make you beg for mercy when I bang your @$$.

I couldn't stop staring at her, maybe because she's not even looking at or showing interest in me.

That's odd.

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