~Love Me or Hate Me Chapter 14~

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*Mona's POV*

I can't believe that bitch is back, I knew something was off about that girl Jeremiah was dating, now her mothers got her doing her dirty work I just know it. I was pacing in my living room while Prince and the boys were sitting on the couch

"I'm going to murder her" I said

"Babe, you know you can't do that" Prince said

I stopped pacing and glared at him "Maybe if you didn't have to be such a player then she wouldn't have such a agenda against me" I said raising my voice

"So you're saying this is my fault" he asked stunned

"YES I am because it is, if you didn't have to put your dick in every girl that walked then this whole mess wouldn't be happening" I said putting the emphasis on some words

"Mona this isn't Prince's fault Cassandra is just a deranged loon with a rapist for a husband" Roc said. I took a deep breath and calmed down a little

"I'm calm" I said

"So what are we gonna do about this because going to the cops now will be kinda pointless don't you think" Em said

"How?" Ray asked

"What are we gonna tell them Ray, that sixteen years ago I was kidnapped and raped" I said I finally got to tell everyone awhile ago what happened to me in that house. "I don't want my child in this mess" I said

"And you honestly think I want mine in it either, she's the one being threatened because she's dating Jeremiah" Em said

"So what you want them to break up?" Prod said, we all looked at him

"I'm not saying that, but she wasn't with him then maybe Marissa would leave her alone" Em said

"Milia is not the only victim in this, if they break up Marissa is going to try everything to get my son to date her, if she is anything like her mother she will find a way to blackmail him" I said

"How? Cassandra never got to me" Prince said

"if you guys wouldn't have found me, she would have" I said

"And if Milia gets taken just like you did then it's gonna be like deja vu" Ray said

"The only difference is that they're not getting married" Roc added

"Why does it seem like everything we try to keep our kids from just comes back to bite us in the ass" I said putting my head in my hands

"Babe don't beat yourself up about this, nothing is going to happen as long as we stick together" Prince said rubbing my shoulders

I looked up at him and sniffled " I guess you're right"

We were still talking about all this when the door opened and closed we all looked up to see Jeremiah and Milia walk in, we all stared at them

"We're not zombies, why are you guys staring at us?" Jeremiah said

"No reason, where have you two been?" I asked

"Umm the park, what's going on?" Jeremiah asked

"What makes you think somethings going on" Prince asked

"There is only two reasons why everyone will be in one room together, one you guys are planning a birthday party or two there's something seriously wrong, so what is it because mine and Miah's birthdays aren't for another 5 months" Milia said

"Nothing, we promise everything is fine" Em said, they looked at us suspiciously

"We'll be up in my room" Jeremiah said taking Milia's hand walking up the stairs

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