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Sweat dripping, blood all over my clothes, I ran deeper n deeper into the forest as a creepy tall structure was chasing me...
But suddenly he appeared in front of me pushing me to the ground n hovering above attacking me-

I scream from terror waking up from the nightmare panting heavily. Sweat all over me n my heart beating rapidly...

"Uhh these stupid nightmares"
I sighed heavily n then aim to the kitchen to drink some water to relax myself. I then realized that it was 3:40 at morning. Since i couldnt sleep, I just sat down on the couch n switch the tv to watch something. At 6:37' I get ready for the school n head out.
                                             At School
As i was taking my books out from the locker, i get startled from the sudden voice
                                           KATE's POV

"Yahhh...U scared me..."

"U scaredy lil cat- heyyyy Y/N u look so dull today. Didnt u sleep properly?"I said worriedly.

"That freaking nightmaress.....Uhhhhh....I wish i can get rid of this crazy shit" She said irritated.

"Ohh..What did u saw this time?"I asked her.

"It was really creepy n I was-" She got cut by the sound of the bell... We both then head to ur classes. I really wanted to know what she saw.........

                                               Y/N POV
I entered the class n settled down at my seat waiting for the teacher to come.

"Hey Y/N...Whats Up dude?"

"Ohh Hey Sehun"..Sehun is one of the boy in my class. He sit at the back from where i sit n he is a really nice guy.

"Where is Mark? Isnt he coming today?"
"I dont know"I simply replied

"Ohh ok thenn..Btw..Did u hear bout the new boy?"

"New boy?Noo...Not at all..."

"Well.....we will see him today then...I hope he will be a nice person cuz i really want to make new frnds...."With Sehun saying that, the teacher entered the class settling everyone dow starting with today's lesson.

At the middle of the lesson, the door swung opened revealing a boy panting heavily catching everyone's attention.

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