Chapter 15

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"I know a lot has happened recently, and I'm sorry that I sprung this on you," Mason mutters, staring at the road. My head is against the headrest as I look out the window. I'm staring at the moon as the dark outlines of the trees pass by us.

"It's whatever, Mason. I told you, I'm willing to try this and see where it goes." I sigh, exhausted from everything. My head is on the verge of forming a headache, and many emotions are flowing through my body. The drive between our pack houses is only a few minutes, so I know we're about to pull into my driveway.

"Whenever you're packed, just let me know, and I'll help grab your bags," he says, glancing at me. I turn my eyes away from the window to look at his face. His face is expressionless, and his hands grip the steering wheel tightly. I feel the shift in the road and know that we are driving up my driveway. Reaching in the back seat, I grab the backpack strap and set it in my lap as I watch my pack house get closer.

"Got it," I say, feeling a bit irritated. I don't want to talk about this anymore; it has been quite a day, and I thought we settled this. As we approach the house, I place my hand on the door handle. The car is slowing down, and before we come to a complete stop, I open the door and get out. I trip over some rocks and manage to fall, causing Mason to stop the car immediately. I groan, rubbing my hands together to remove the few pebbles sticking to my hand.

"Allison, are you okay?" He calls out worriedly, getting out of the car. Embarrassed, I quickly pick myself off the rocky driveway, placing my bag over my shoulder and sprinting for the front door. I hear his feet crunching against the rocks, indicating he is following me. As soon as I reached the porch, I looked back at him and saw that he had stopped walking. "Why do you keep running away from me?" He asks, looking defeated. I don't say anything before quickly walking inside. Am I being dramatic? Probably. I just have a hard time admitting what I want, and deep down, I think I want to be chased, which is selfish because I don't want to chase back.

I lock the door and stand against it until I hear his steps retreat, and his car starts heading down the driveway. I notice Justin walking down the hall, and I try to slip away before he sees me. My backpack slips off my shoulder and hits the wall, making a loud noise that definitely gets Justin's attention. "Al?" Justin announces, turning around and spotting me.

I can see Justin walking towards me, and I just give him a meek "Hi" before walking upstairs. I sigh as I hear his footsteps after mine, and when I get to my room, I shut the door, knowing damn well Justin is nearly right behind me.

"Allison, open the door," Justin says in a demanding voice. I lay on my bed with my head in my arms, thinking about the earlier events. It's so hard now knowing what actually happened to my uncle and why it happened. I should tell my family, but I know it would crush my father. Also, now I must tell them I will be moving into Mason's packhouse.

How am I supposed to tell my family I'm leaving? And to live with a mate, I just found only a few days ago. I can't just say, 'Hey guys, I'm moving in with my mate in a few days. I hope you understand.' Maybe I can make it seem like I ran away even though I'm practically going to our neighbor's house. Why am I even doin—

My thoughts are interrupted by a loud knocking on my door. "Hey, Allie, can you open the door, please?" My brother calls through the door, but I know this isn't a question. One way or another, my door is going to be opened. I tiredly get off my bed, dragging my feet, and open the door to reveal my brother leaning against the door frame. I can see a slight annoyance across his face, and I just turn around and walk to my bed again.

"What's up, Justin?" I sigh, waiting for him to answer. I sit at the edge of my bed with my head pressed against my knuckles as Justin stays at the door. His arm gently touches his chain, and his other arm is underneath his elbow.

The Alpha is my Mate ✏️ (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now