2 [ short ]

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Saxa POV

It was the next day and I had woke up next abu and isolde in bed I quietly get out of bed get dressed and go home

Time skip

I open the door to see my father there

Saxa in head: shit

Vidar: where have you been

Saxa: out father

Fjor: oh you mean with abu

Saxa: shut up

I tell him

Vidar: who is this abu

Saxa: no on-

Fjor: her boyfriend

Saxa: shut the hell up

I say as i smacked him

Fjor: she also dating isolde

He just smirks

Vidar: break up with them both or else

Saxa: no I can't

Fjor: she right he pretty cool to he around

He looks at us

Vidar: since you won't I'll handle them both

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Vidar: since you won't I'll handle them both

Saxa: don'-

Vidar: that's enough now go

Time skip abu pov

I made it to school  with isolde on my arm I then see saxa and fjor and walk over to them

Abu: babe fjor what's up

They look at me with a sort of sad look

Saxa: nothing

She says as she kisses me and isolde

Abu: ok

Time skip end of school abu pov

I was walking home cause I need to buy fuel for my bike until I was grabbed by someone

I look and see it was fjor and saxa dad for some reason

Abu: hello mr jutul

He doesn't say nothing so I start to walk away he them grabs me and throws me on the ground

Abu: what the hell

He then kicks me so I start to get mad my eyes turn purple and muscles start to appear on my body and I run at him and punch him then kick him twice send him back

He then kicks me so I start to get mad my eyes turn purple and muscles start to appear on my body and I run at him and punch him then kick him twice send him back

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Abu: you don't want to fight me

Vidar eyes turn orange he then punches me sending me on the ground I then hear footsteps coming but then they stop vidar grabs a pipe and tries to hit me but I move out the way

I get but he hits me with the pioenin the head causing me to bleed I get mad and out nowhere jackals ap poo pear panda look at me and bow my skins turn black  my muscles grow and i transform

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I get but he hits me with the pioenin the head causing me to bleed I get mad and out nowhere jackals ap poo pear panda look at me and bow my skins turn black  my muscles grow and i transform

I get but he hits me with the pioenin the head causing me to bleed I get mad and out nowhere jackals ap poo pear panda look at me and bow my skins turn black  my muscles grow and i transform

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I then howl

Then the footstep I heard finally came  I see fjor saxa and isolde

Fsi:  what the fuck just happened

Fjor pic

We see abu transform

He then rushes at our dad and pulls these weird weapon and connects them turning it into a scythe he rushes him then slashes him multiple time hhe them on the ground he about to finish him until isolde and saxa get in front of him

Isolde: calm down

She says holding him back

Saxa: it's okay were here

He then passes out detransformed so we take him back to his house

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