Home Alone

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 "Mom?" I call. I don't hear an answer so I go downstairs and see a note on the fridge

Dear Rebekah,

Your dad and I had to go to work so we won't be back until dinner. There's food in the fridge.

Love, Mom

I made cereal for breakfast. After I finish I went upstairs and cleared a space so I can dance. I dance for 2 hours then I go downstairs and heat up some pizza and sit down in the living room and watch Supernatural. The phone rings and I answer "Hello?" "Hi,is Steven Moffat there?" "He's at work." "Can you tell him Eric Kripke called?" "I sure will." "Thank you. Have a good day." "You too." I hang up and scream.

I decide to watch YouTube videos until mom and dad get home.

What will happen next? Tell me what you think.


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