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ok i am sorry. i honestly hate this book, basically its going no where whats so ever. i rushed it. the way i wrote it was terrible, confusing, out of order. i am truly sorry. I never picture my book or any book of mine that i wrote (only wrote this one) having over 1k reads. i was amazed that people liked it. then soon on later when i got 3k i saw that people put it in their library for later uses and oh course i was still in the process of making the story. The over all thing i want to say is, my writing skills sucked. i am not saying it doesn't so much anymore because I've been paying more attention in my writing classes now. My sister and my cousin want to be writers so i decided why not help them and pay more attention to my class and my grades got better and i passed with a 85 point something in that class. well all i could say is, i am truly sorry. whenever i was sad i would write non- making sense stories just to get it out of my system. i appreciate all you people who've been there since my cover was some random girl with dyed hair. seriously y'all, you guys are the best :) and before i forget you all know what the ending is...Ashley is nashs twin. :0 "omg". ok to close this off, one last time,

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love you all, isabella.

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