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Ali looked at his mirror and felt the same . It's like he was still an agent.

With nothing else to do,he went downstairs to eat. And to his surprise,his dad was chatting with mom and never once did he looked like the sad man he knew. Ali sat down and ate his food quietly. Never once making eye contact and she noticed that.

"Is there something bothering you Ali?"he finally looked at her and gave a weak smile,"y-yeah I'm fine." Aliya patted his head and smiled before turning back to her food.

"If she's here,does that mean she has iris? If not then,how am I gonna be an agent?" Ali thought before sighing "calm down Ali" he thought before finishing his food.

His parents were supriesed at the sudden rush but thought of it as nothing as Ali closed the door and rode his scooter to school.

He went the same route as usual. Through the alleys and then a few stores.

And just like he remembered, Shaun & Syed taking boys icecream. When will these two stop? He thought before picking up a can and throwing it in the middle of the two bullied causing a chain reaction to drop his icecream and arrived at wak musang's stall and decided to try it,"what would you like boy?"
"Tempoyak udang"

Musang's eyes widened for a split second before giving it to the boy "how much?" Ali asked hoping that it's free"it's on the house!" "Thankyou!"

He rode his scooter once more to arrive early for class.

"Hey Viktor,what are you doing?""oh,I'm waiting for my friend Ali. He always comes late" Viktor took a few seconds to realize who he was talking to "Ali!? Since when did you-"

"Viktor,what are you yapping about?" Munah said,magically standing on Viktor's seat and aiming her stick at him."n-nothing teacher. Just suprised that Ali came early.
"ish,dont burden yourself with that idiot. So what if he's early? He's still a spoiled brat" Alicia joined in the convo but Ali was used to it. Except for the spoiled brat part. So he just went to his seat ignoring his friend. Or soon to be friend.

But one thing kept coming back. The flashback of the voice,and Nikki attacking. But he shook those thoughts. What matters is,to prevent it from happening and to focus in class for now.

I guess even if his mother is here, he's still not smart. And why did he get called a spoiled brat? Is it because his mother spoiled him in this Timeline? I guess having her here is both bad,and good. And if she's here, shouldn't Alicia know that she's an agent and most importantly,his mother?

He shook the thoughts out of his head again and was getting distracted.

The bell rang indicating it's the end of the school "hey Ali,lets play detektif jebat" "ok. So long as i Don't have to do anything" "oh, right. Are you gonna buy another robot?" "Still having second thoughts about it" "ok,chao~!" Viktor said as he rode off with his mother.

And,if he's right,his uncle should be behind him.

"Uncle!" He pretend to be surprised so he dosent get suspicious "Ali!you've grown so much since I last saw you. What are you? Nine?" "Nine? Again?" He thought "I'm twelve uncle" Bakar started rubbing his chin "really? You should eat more y'know"

Ali ignored him and started walking to Zali mart "hm.. the general was right. You are a disrespectful child" he muttered. But Ali heard it and it reminded him of the past trauma he had suffered and how they didn't take it seriously. HE ALMOST PURPOSELY JUMPED OFF A BUILDING SO HE COULD DIE!

It made tears form in Ali's eyes "I'm sorry... I still want to change for the better. Just please,give me a chance" he quietly said which hit his uncle. "You mean it?" Ali slowly nodded and a tear fell down his face but wiped it away.

"Ok,I'll give you a chance. Afterall,everyone deserves it" his uncle said as he slowly walked to the boy who was standing still and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Ali looked at him with a weak smile "thank you uncle" Bakar patted Ali's head "now,let's go have a little chat" he said and walked with Ali to a nearby bench.

"Did you take anything that doesn't belong to you again?" Bakar asked looking suspiciously at the boy whom was lost in thought but still answered "no. The only suspicious thing I've encountered is me getting free food for no reason" he said and and took out a lunch box.

Bakar was albeit,suprised that he knew what he meant "are you hiding something Ali?" He said,rubbing his chin again. "Yeah. But can we not do it in the open?" Ali said getting up so Bakar lead him to an alleyway to talk "ok now,tell me-" Bakar got punched in the face by a bulky bald man and Ali was about to get electrocuted but by instinct,avoided it by doing a flip and tripping her in one smooth motion. Dos got up and  was about to chase Ali.

Ali avoided he obstacles while dos getting closer and closer. And like last time,his scooter got caught by a small rock and gave dos enough time to throw her stick,electecuting him.

"Hm. Not bad" she said as she walked closer to the boy.

Ali woke up in the same place. A building and he was tied to a poll
"What do you want from me?!"Ali said as dos picked up his bag "this is not about you" - she started taking Ali's stuff - "we were after the iris" she said picking up the green tupperware and took out iris and held it in the air "infinity retinal intelligence system. Small,but very powerful. I'm certain,"- she looked at Ali -"I'm certain,you must have heard about it. Agent"

Ali knew what she meant but still acted confused "agent?""there's no need to pretend. I've heard rumors MATA's training young agents"- she turned her back from the boy "how old are you? Nine?"

Dos placed the gadget on the computer and it starts scanning " first of all,why does everybody think I'm nine? And second,I'm not an agent.  But by what you've told me,there is a secret organization that protects our city" "hm. Smart"

Trez came up to him and pinched his cheek "aw your so cute when you're angry" Trez said before getting tapped on the shoulder "no way,I'm cuter!" Bakar said and avoided a punch from Trez and flirted with dos.

(There is no point in this so,skip to iris)

Ali slowly crept to the computer and grabbed iris. And,just like last time,he had gone noticed and was chased by dos and Bakar yelled while fighting Trez to put on iris. And unlike last time,he didn't do a pose. Instead,just  pressed the middle of iris so it'd turn into its usual blue visors.

But unlike last time,where Ali had to fight against them on his own,a gasing flew in between dos and Ali before sending a beam of light that blinded them. All exept Ali and the person who the gasing. Which was,as expected, his mother.

And with a swift move,she immobilized dos and trez before a loud buzzing noise can be heard comming from the computer which gave the criminals time to escape.

Aliya ran to Ali "Ali! Did they hurt you?!" She said checking any scratches that could make Ghazali suspicious. "No. They didn't" he smiled and shrugged before hugging her.

To this Timeline,it was ooc for Ali to do such. "Ali? A-are you feeling ok?" She asked placing her hand on Ali's head seeing if he has a fever. "Yeah,I'm ok. But I need to talk to you and the core leaders. Since,I don't want anyone else to know about this. Even saying this is a risk."

Aliya was albeit confused. How did Ali know about the core leaders? "I'll explain everything. Promise!" He said before running over to Bakar and helped him up.

At the briefing room at HQ

"What is so important that you have to bring your spoiled brat?" A man in blue said "its important" Ali said stepping out closer to them. "Important that you have to see us in person?" The man continued and Ali nodded

"I've been acting strange lately as you have seen,and there's an explanation for that" this peeked the interest of the other two in the room "continue" the woman in a red lined labcoat said

"It'll be far fetched,but it's best to tell it to you"


'Chanto' yonde kurete arigatō! Sugu kōshin shimasu

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