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I'm sorry for the lack of updates, schools been a bit much plus some other family problems. Due to things still being a bit ruff I'm hoping to at least get 1 chapter done every fortnight.
Thanks for understanding
Jordi xx

I stare at the old motel in apprehension, taking in its brown brick exterior and dirty windows. Not the Hilton, that's for sure. Maybe running wasn't the best idea.

"James" I whisper, getting a glimpse of my reflection in one of the dirty windows. My waist length blonde hair was in a messy bun; my blue eyes weren't shining like they usually were. I was wearing my Pink and Blue stripped PJ's, with my white bunny slippers. As a thirteen year old I thought they were pretty snazzy, "Are you sure we made the right decision"

He flashes me a reassuring look "Anything's better than staying in that house, with him" Him, My father. He was the reason we were standing in the lobby of this motel. James always said that I have this unexplainable facial expression when I'm thinking about something bad, he calls it the Jessie facial expression. I must have been wearing that expression because James pulls me closer.

Wrapping his arm around my shoulders he looks down at me "Don't think about him or what happened, we're safe now" I nod and we follow the rest of our siblings. That man left his four children to fend for themselves. James was the oldest at 16; his messy brown hair, always falling over his eyes. His blue eyes, always full of hope. He's my rock, he's looked after me since I was able to crawl. Mum and dad were to busy fighting to care about what happened to us. Cecilia's 15, she has shoulder length brown hair which envie there's never a hair out of place. Her eyes are a spring grass kinda green colour. Then youngest after me is our sister Arianna. She's 11. She was the only one out of us that got grandmas black hair and grandpas hazel eyes; she doesn't understand much of whats happening.

Unwrapping his arm, James walks over to the lobby counter, "I would like to book a room for four please" The woman gives James a once over, not checking him out more like check if he looked eighteen, "Yeah whatever that will be twenty-five dollars" James hesitates but gives her a thirty dollar note, the only money we had. She was awfully unhappy and bored, grabbing the keys James drags us away from the counter.

Our room was very plain, two double beds, two draws, a TV, a bookshelf and a door leading to a bathroom. The walls were white, with brown carpet covering the floors. "It's not much but it'll have to do for now" James mutters.

"What are we going to do about money" Cecilia asks the one question floating around in the air, sucking in a deep breath of hair and chewing the inside of his right cheek James mumbles "Cece we're going to have to get jobs" None of us had ever worked a day in our lives; we've always had the money to do whatever we wanted.

"But let's not worry about that now it's late and we have a big day tomorrow let's get some sleep" James smiles, ushering us towards the bed, "Come share with me Jess" I nod sleepily and stumble over to the bed James is ushering me too.

The next morning, James gave us each an apple for breakfast, then he kissed ari and I on the forehead told us to behave and let with cece to adventure the town. The whole day Arianna and I watched movies, we had found in one of the cupboards, along with some board games, which we played as well. After a couple hours of playing bored games we decided to relax and look for a book to read.

"Jess, I'm bored" Arianna whines, grumbling I mutter "I know but there's nothing else left to do here" I start picking up all the books left lying on the ground.

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