Chapter 1

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Soap, detergent, soap, detergent. My mind has never been more baffled as I stare at the two liquids sitting on top of the kitchen counter. I'm well aware of how dumb I must look staring at two bottles of cleaning products like my life depended on which I choose. What was the dangerous task as to why I must make this treacherous decision... Cleaning the dishes. Queen biatch Ariel Walker, the mother of all the Walker boys, had given me a two-hour lecture last week about using the wrong product to clean her precious china plates and crystal glasses. I also got bagged for my 'dishwashing Technique'. Didn't know there were different techniques when washing dishes, well neither did I.

I finally opted for the dishwashing liquid figuring I'll just hide the evidence before she gets home. Not even five minutes later Chanel perfume wafted through the air and I knew I had lucked out. Her bag drops and she makes a beeline straight for the sink "Jessica for the love of god what did I say about the china" Ok so not dishwashing liquid, heavens knows what the difference is. She Inspects it closely looking for any imperfections, with a content sigh she places the crockery back and makes her way over to the wine rack. My eye follows and she returns with an unopened bottle of red wine "Hard Day Mrs" I didn't particularly care, the walkers are rich snobs and wouldn't know a hard day if it bit them in the ass.

Her eyes roll back and she relaxes against the counter "You have no idea. A shipment of bags I needed didn't come it and..." See what I mean one shipment of bags doesn't make it in and it's the end of the world, although I suppose it wouldn't be easy owning a multi-million dollar company, I guess each to there own "and now I come home to this mess, the maid can't even wash dishes properly" What a time to tune back in.

Putting on a smile that I hope hides the fact I really want to throw that glass of wine all over her really expensive gold and white sheath dress, I mutter "Sorry Mrs. I must be getting onto my other chores" Nodding she turns back to her wine waving me off, muttering something about no good help these days. Even though this place was my home, I only ever really felt comfortable in the safety of my bedroom. I have been working here at the Walkers for as long as I could remember. The Walkers brought us in when we were younger and gave us a place to stay. We never intended to stay as long as we have, it was just meant to be short work until we had enough to support ourselves. I pick up the rest of my cleaning supplies and walk over to the elevator to take me up to Jayden's room. Yes, they have an elevator inside there house, cause taking the stairs is so overrated. But it does make it much easier when you have a thousand things to carry all the way up.

I reach the room hold my breath and push the door open only a crack, but it refused to budge any further. I instantly saw the cause as my eyes drifted to the pile of dirty clothes shoved up against it. My nose was immediately filled with the pungent smell of unwashed clothes and even with gloves on, I was too afraid to touch anything so I used my foot to push the pile of clothes blocking the entrance of the room, and then my eyes met with the horror of Jayden's room. It's not like I don't have to clean it once a week but I swear to god every time I come back it looks worse than it did the last. His bed was unmade, with piles of textbooks, magazines and enough stationery to fill a store. A half-eaten ham and cheese sandwich on top of a small blue and white plate, accompanied by at least 7 cans of coke. I sign and start cleaning.

Later that evening, Cecilia and I were lying on my bed rewatching our favorite episode of Friends. Normally she hates watching older shows like this, she tends to only want to watch it when something is wrong and she needs cheering up She's not the type of person to spill her guts every time something happens, more likes to keep it to herself.

I hesitate "So um Cece are you ok" she doesn't look up at me at first, just continues to watch the show. What felt like hours later she turns her attention away from the show and looks up at me/

"Totally fine, why do you ask" She was lying and I could tell but I didn't want to push it, she'll talk to me when she ready.

"I'm always here if you need Cece" She smiles and turns her attention away from me. I was about to make some funny comment about Joey's shirt choice when the door bangs open and in walks Jayden.

"Come on maids time to come upstairs, My mother and father need to speak to you" He demands turning around and stalking back up the stairs. Cecilia signs and motions for me to follow, I don't understand how she's so calm around him. With every word that leaves his mouth, I want to punch that smug smirk off his face. Mr. and Mrs. Walker are patiently waiting in the lounge, as we arrive their attention turns to us and they smile.


Hey guys,

Finally, I updated it ahah. Sorry for the wait, I'm hoping to get back into writing as I have a bit more spare time.  Message me or comment if you have any suggestions on improvements or what you want to see happen in the story! 

Mordi x

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