Chapter 1

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Ayato p o v

"Ayato! Don't do that again!" She pouts. I just snicker, she doesn't like when I smack her ass especially in front of people since she's still so innocent. I couldn't help it. She looks so cute with her messy bed hair and my shirt on. If only she'd let me take her right here and now. I could ruin her innocence for sure once I got her into bed with me.

"What?" I play dumb.
"It's not like you didn't enjoy it." She glares at me. She didn't like when any of us said things like that. And despite Yui choosing me my brothers still compete with me for her. They don't know about my feelings completely because I'm not completely sure about them myself, and I know it'd be a terrible Idea for my brothers to see them. Not even Yui completely knows how much she means to me.

She finishes cooking us breakfast and serves it to us with a cute smile. My plate first and then the others. Ironically it was pancakes eggs and sausage.
"This isn't the pancake I wanted to eat." I wink. She blushes and glares more.
"Ayato!" I only chuckle and look back down at my food while eating. She sits at the table with us only for Reiji to start on her.

"That's not appropriate attire to wear at the dinner table Yui." He says emotionlessly not even bothering to look up from his plate. Me and her both groan before she leaves to go get changed. Not long after I follow her to her room.

I don't even bother to knock on the door. I just barge in. I watch her frantically cover her exposed chest and look back at me with a dark red covering her entire face.
"Ayato! Get out!" I couldn't see them. Her back was facing me but still I was paralyzed by how much this image overtook me. I wanted to pin her down and force her to give in. But I didn't. I couldn't. I'm not the same way I was before and neither is she.

She's different now.

I walk in disobeying her orders and casually sit on her bed staring at her from the side. She doesn't move. She just stares at me keeping her arms crossed around her area.

We both stay silent when she finally decides to change in front of me. Not caring how close I watch her. I stared at her small breasts, so pale and soft with none of my marks on them claiming them as mine. My desire to cover her in bite marks keeps me in deep thought while she slips on her dinner dress and flats.

The old Yui never would've been willing to let me see that. She never would've been so okay with that. It's always the little things that make it obvious she's so different. I realized it. My brothers realized it. Even she did. It concerned everyone looking back at the past. We hoped we were wrong about her.

She stands in front of me showing herself. The dress complimented her figure well. It was a light baby pink with lace. She had her light blond hair pinned in a bun with a white bow. She looked adorable.

"How does this look?" She asks. It seemed like she was the old Yui again.

"Amazing". She was expecting a snarky comment or a dirty comment but instead I stare at her dreamily causing her to be a bit surprised. Her reaction was kinda cute. Her small gasp. The way she looked at me. The crimson blush in her cheeks.

"Thanks." She finally says.
"Hm." I get up off the bed and hold my hand out for her to take.
"Come on let's go get you some breakfast." She smiles innocently and takes my hand allowing me to lead her back to the dinner table.

Everyone raises their eyebrows at me and glares knowing damn well why I went up there when she was changing. They were even more upset to see Yui with such a blank look on her face. Like what just happened didn't faze her at all.

This made me crave her even more. Realizing how close I am to getting what I want, it drives me insane with hunger. She has no idea what she's gotten herself into. I've never loved before but it turns into a dangerous obsession. I wonder if that's something she can handle.

We finish eating and everyone goes along with their schedules steering clear of each other. Every now and then one of my brothers would throw themselves at Yui but she'd only kindly reject them and then force me to come to her rescue.

Despite how causal everyday went we were all worried. Yui changed just like the woman said she would. She's not to bad now; but I know only the worst will come.

She pulls me aside. The look on her face tells me she's going to try talking about everything we've been avoiding. We've spent our entire day together. There's a thousand things she could say to me right now. There are so many problems we don't address when we should. If anyone's gonna be the first one to say something it will most likely be her.

Yui's been back a week now. And despite the way I act she can tell there's something wrong with me. Everything's eating me up from the inside. If I fail, Yui will die again. I could lose her again. And if something goes wrong, there could be a twisted part of Yui now that never should've been born.

"What." I snap coldly. I don't want to talk about any of it. I'll figure it out on my own if I have to.
"We need to talk Ayato."
"Talk about what you?"
"No talk about us." There's a desperate sound in her voice that sends chills down my spine. I have nothing to say to her. So she continues.

"I know there's a lot of blanks we still need to fill. But there's still so much you haven't told me. You didn't tell me what happened to me. You didn't tell me how you brought me back. You didn't tell me how you feel. What we are. What's happening to me, to us. I can't keep acting like everything's normal anymore." She goes on.

I only sigh. She doesn't remember how she died. How she sacrificed herself for me. Her memories are all mixed up and confused in her head. I can't blame her for wanting answers. But it's still dangerous for her to know anything before I hold up my end of the bargain.

She doesn't remember what happened the night she came back. Only me and my brothers remember. That's why every time we see a small change in her we feel more and more concerned.

It makes me wonder what things she does remember about us. Before it all went to hell.

"We're ok. We'll figure everything out. I know you want answers and in good time you'll get them. But for now you need to just trust me."

She sighs.

"Fine. I'll give you a little more time. But only a little got that?"
I decide to lighten up the mood.
"It's so cute when you think your in control." I smirk and lean close to her only for her to push me away.
"Whatever." We flirt and we act like we did before sometimes. But both of us are still to unsure to address the feelings we have for each other. The connection between us. Until everything is figured out we can't be together. And she knows that. But still sometimes she needs reminding.

Before walking away she turns to look back at me.
She faces me again like she has something else to say. I know what it is.
"Ayato I-."
"Shh" I hold my finger to her soft lips. I stare her down. Her breath trembles. She wants me. I want her. But we can't have each other. Not yet.

"Don't say it. Not yet ok?" I order her softly. I try to be as sweet towards her as I can in this moment. I realize how fragile this subject is for the both of us.

"Ok." Is all she says. I can hear the quiet sorrow in her tone and it only makes this harder for me. So I walk away this time. To avoid giving in like I want to. We can't yet.

Not after everything that's happened.

What Changed: Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now