The Stylists [one dιrecтιon]

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Hi everyone it's Eleanor (@1DWattyWriters)!!!! I am finally posting the prolouge of the me and Delilah's new collaboration fanfic called The Stylists! Delilah (@_HakunaMatata_) wrote her narrative and I wrote my own! I think that we will be officially writing this after Thanksgiving and will update rather often! :) Ok I just want to clear up something before going on, my name is Eleanor and please don't get that confused with Eleanor Calder. She is not the only person who can have that name. I only wanted to include that cause I hate when people are like "isn't El dating Lou?" well she is but this is not her!!!!!!! Ok enough with my rant, so please vote, comment, fan, whatever you deem appropriate. I think I'm gonna dedicate the chapter to the first commenter so COMMENT!!!!! I'm going to stop talking and let you read!!!! And special thanks to those of you who actually read this :) Enjoy!



I plugged in the razor, adjusted the blade, and locked eyes with Liam in the mirror. He was sitting in the black leather chair in front of me with the tan cape wrapped around him, looking a little nervous. I raised an eyebrow in his direction, but he had his eyes closed.

  "Are you sure about this?" I questioned him. He bit his lip.

  "If it's for a good cause, then yes. But Lilah, don't make it look bad." Liam pleaded.

  "Are you doubting me, Liam? Don't you think my expertise can handle it?" I asked with mock horror. He smiled and nodded for me to start the process of shaving his hair, and when I clicked the razor on he jumped slightly. I laughed as I drove the razor through a section of his hair. I could see Liam watching as the little strands dropped to the floor.

  "No going back now." He said, wiping the sweat from his palms onto his faded jeans. I went through another section of his hair, and then another, until half of his head was shaved. I tried to look into Liam's eyes to see if he liked it, because my grandmother always told me that if someone was truly happy, you'd see it in their eyes and not their smile.

  Being a stylist for One Direction was a heck of a lot of work. You'd think that it wouldn't be so busy, but it's something that you have to do 24/7. And since one of the three of us stylists dropped out, me and Lou had to work harder. I'm not saying it's as bad as working at a salt mine, but it's no walk in the park, either.

  I shaved off a part of Liam's hair my his ear, trying to focus on my work so I didn't accidentally cut off his ear, because cutting off Liam Payne's ear would be a really bad move. Even though I was good friends with him, girls on Tumblr would turn me into some One Direction serial killer woman, a title that didn't appeal to me.

"I'm sorry," Liam said. I looked up at Liam in the mirror to see him wiping his eyes. His chin was trembling hard and he was trying to stop from crying. I hit the razor off and set in on the counter quietly, wrapping me arms around him from behind.

  "It's okay, Liam, it's okay." I reassured him. He kept wiping at the hot tears that were coming down heavier now. I honestly hadn't a clue what was the matter, but everyone on the crew team and the boys were like family to me and I had to be there for them.

  "It's just Danielle." He said. When he whispered her name he started to cry harder, his body trembling slightly.

  "Everyone is meant to be with someone. She just wasn't the right one for you. Don't worry Liam, she's out there." I promised him. He nodded, wiping away the last of his tears on the sleeve of the checkered polo I set out for him.

  "Who're you meant to be with?" He asked. I bit my lip.

  "I don't know, Liam. I don't know."


I took a deep breath as I smoothed out my skirt. I was surrounded by many girls reading fashion magazines pretending to be posh. How annoying. The girl next to me was exceptionally irritating because of the fact that she had been popping her gum repeatedly for the past couple of minutes.

I wanted so bad to strangle her.

Keep your cool El I thought to myself No one will hire you if you turn out to be a serial killer.

“Eleanor O’Hagan?” I heard a lady say. I looked up and got up to follow her. She had a large nose, beady eyes, and a snooty demeanour. She led me to a room that looked very official looking. I sat adjacent to the huge mahogany desk waiting to meet the man that would ultimately decide my fate.

Melodramatic I know but it was true. If I didn’t get this job well…I don’t want to think about it.

Simon Cowell walked in with his head up high with pride. He went and sat down in front of me and I kind shrank at the mere sight of him.

“Hello you’re applying for the stylist job for One Direction right?” He asked me, his hands crossed neatly on top of the desk. I nodded my head.

“What’s you name dear?” He asked me. I was so stunned that I somehow lost my voice. Oh. My. God. I’m. Talking. To. Simon. Freaking. Cowell.

He raised an eyebrow at me and motioned for me to start talking. Wow, I’ve made such a great first impression.

I’m never going to get this job.

“Eleanor” I finally managed to say. “Eleanor O’Hagan and yes I am applying for that very job.” I said, my Irish accent heavy on my words.

Simon smiled and nodded. He then asked for my resume and recommendations. As he was reviewing my paperwork I was practically drowning in the amount of stress and anxiety I was feeling at the very moment. This was a bad idea, I should just get up and run away as far as possible from here. Simon looked up at me and I knew it was too late. I should be used to failure by now. I have only bombed every single job interview I’ve had, why should this one be any different?

“Would you mind getting up?” Simon asked me pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded and got up from my seat.

“Can you spin for me?” he asked; his finger in the air moving in a circular motion. I nodded apprehensively and began spinning very slowly. My skirt gracefully swaying with me.

I timidly took my seat again and waited for Simon to say something.

But he didn’t say anything.

“You’ve got the job.” He said after a few minutes of silence. I almost fell off my chair from how excited and confused I was.

“Pardon?” I spluttered out.

“I said you’ve got the job.” he said chuckling a bit. I smiled widely.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I promise you Mr. Cowell you won’t regret this!” I said as I practically leapt from my seat in pure excitement.

Finally things were actually going my way. I finally get to have my dream job.

Oh and the cute boys are a plus as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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